Extremely Shocked! 30 Most Terrifying Moments in the US: Huge Hail Damaged Houses, Buildings & Cars
Some of the most terrifying moments in the United States have been caused by natural disasters caught on camera.
Massive hailstorms that produced huge hail capable of damaging houses, buildings and cars have been among the scariest natural disasters caught on camera.
The sheer size and force of the hail in these powerful storms, often baseball-sized or even larger, can easily smash through roofs, break windows, dent vehicles and cause serious injuries to people.
Seeing the shocking amount of damage caused by the massive hail in these natural disasters caught on camera highlights how frightening and destructive weather events can become.
In just minutes, extensive destruction to property occurs during these intense hailstorms.
Capturing these natural disasters caught on camera allows meteorologists to closely analyze and study the enormous scale and severe impact.
Some other absolutely terrifying moments in the US from natural disasters caught on camera include devastating tornadoes violently tearing through neighborhoods and communities, leaving behind utter destruction in their wake.
Additionally, hurricanes bringing dangerously high winds, torrential rain and catastrophic flooding have also been captured as natural disasters caught on camera.
00:00 – natural disasters caught on camera
00:20 – hail texas
02:51 – hail in america
04:59 – hail florida
07:22 – hail
10:00 – hail storm
13:33 – thunderstorm
15:43 – heavy rain
18:33 – hail and rain
This Video researched by: Josue Anderson
Address: 2792 Raynor Valleys East Oriemouth, NM 58525
Geographic coordinates: 72.429565,16.739203
Mother’s maiden name: Mann
Date 1958-10-15
Age 64 years old
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Copyright Music By:
Adrev for a 3rd Party
and other artists
Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com
Extremely Shocked! 30 Most Terrifying Moments in the US: Huge Hail Damaged Houses, Buildings & Cars
Seeing this scale of devastation, it's easy to surrender to hopelessness – but then rescuers start pulling miracle survivors from the rubble days later.
I can't believe the utter devastation left by the hurricane – homes and lives destroyed just like that.
Gods wrath ,judge, punish, Jesus is coming
🥰 Мир тебе ❤️🙏🕊️☁️
Сочувствую и сопереживаю ПОТЕРЯМ и МОЛЮСЬ 🙏
Молюсь, чтобы никто не ушёл из жизни без ПОКАЯНИЯ!
❤️ 🙏 🙏 🙏
Каждому человеку НУЖЕН НЕ посланник, а СПАСИТЕЛЬ Господь Иисус Христос ГРЯДУЩИЙ ❤ 🙏
Лука 9:35
И был из облака глас, глаголющий:
Сей есть Сын Мой Возлюбленный, Его слушайте.
❤️ 🙏
МУХАМЕД НЕ ГОВОРИЛ, что он бог, НИ БУДДА , ни ислам, они не умирали ЗА твои ГРЕХИ. они умерли и НЕ ВОСКРЕСЛИ!
❤🙏🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️
🌺 ❤️
Иоанна 14:6
Иисус сказал ему: Я есмь ПУТЬ и ИСТИНА и ЖИЗНЬ; НИКТО не приходит к Отцу, как только ЧЕРЕЗ Меня.
❤️ 🙏
Господь БЛИЗКО 😇 🎵
Господь ГРЯДЁТ ❤️ 🙏
❤6 тысяч лет на ИСХОДЕ!
Всё, что ПРОИСХОДИТ во всём мире и как было раньше уже НЕ ВЕРНЁТСЯ, а Иисус ВЕРНЁТСЯ ЗА Своей ВОЗЛЮБЛЕННОЙ Церковью-Невестой Христовой
❤️ 🙏 ☁️☁️☁️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Написано : ВСЕ СОГРЕШИЛИ и лишены славы Божией. ❤️ 🙏
МАРАН-АФА! 🎺 🎺 🎺
Ей, Гряди, Господи Иисусе!
❤️ 🙏 ☁️🕊️☁️ 🕊️ ☁️ 🕊️
❤️ 🙏
Seeing the destructive power of hail in natural disasters caught on camera makes my heart drop thinking of the implications of climate change.
The natural disasters caught on camera serve as a sobering reminder of the ferocity of extreme weather.
I pray that we find ways to better prepare for such destructive natural disasters caught on camera in the future.
I am hoping more aid reaches people struggling in the aftermath of the natural disasters caught on camera.
My heart breaks seeing the full destructive power of the hailstorms captured in the natural disasters caught on camera.
The scale of destruction shown in the videos of the hailstorms as natural disasters caught on camera is absolutely chilling.
The videos of cars and buildings pummeled by massive hail in natural disasters caught on camera are so hard to watch.
I feel so sad seeing the communities ripped apart by the intense hailstorms captured in natural disasters caught on camera.
I hope scientists can analyze the data from the natural disasters caught on camera to better understand these extreme weather events.
I feel tremendous empathy for those impacted by the hailstorms documented in the natural disasters caught on camera.
Let us have compassion for our fellow human beings suffering in the wake of the natural disasters caught on camera.
My heart hurts for all the families whose homes were damaged by the terrifying hailstorms caught on camera.
The destructive power of hailstorms captured in videos of natural disasters caught on camera is truly shocking and concerning.
Talk to the Water, Mother…. say anything with Grace…. say thanks and Make it Sparkle mom… I care… it responds ahead of you too…. Mother the Over All Tech can singe monster tech regularly however she feels needs and does is up to her…. Water is the main source of singe sing(e)ing HELL.
El poder puro y la belleza de los desastres naturales son como la emocionante aventura de tu vida. ¡Este vídeo es un viaje electrizante a través del corazón de los momentos más increíbles de la Tierra!
Os juizos de DIOS sobre a nações
cap. 3
vers. 16 E o SENHOR bramará de Sião, o dará a sua voz de Jerusalém, que os ceus e a terra tremerão; mas o SENHOR será o refúgio do seu povo e a Fortaleza dos Filhos de ISRAEL.
vers 17. E vós sabereis que eu sou o SENHOR vosso DIOS , que habito em Sião, o monte da minha Santidade; e estranhos now passarão mais por elá.
Multidões, multidões, no vale, da decisão, porque perto está o SENHOR, e aquele, que se levantar contra, ISRAEL, está se levantando, contra, o SENHOR DIOS, e ai porque o SENHOR DIOS, e o refúgio do seu povo, e a Fortaleza dos Filhos de ISRAEL. E perto está a vitória do SENHOR e do seu povo dos Filhos de ISRAEL.
O Tempo e chegado, os sinais é o alerta para os que dorme, os que estão cegos e daqui algumas horas aguarde, os sinais, o terremotos que irá abalar alguns lugares, o mar levantará com mais fúria, granizo pesdos, eruption volcano, tempestade, ventos .forte, .tornados, explosões, o sol abrasador, e mui breve, a grande tribulação, aproxíma
Queres a vida eterna obedeça e guarda- os mandamentos e tereis um tesouro no céu.
Filho de israel pilot07Galileu. Mensageiro do Rey dos Reys o Rey Eterno.