Animal Balkas is bringing to pet lovers the rescued stories over the world.
We NEVER ask nor NEVER receive donation.
We only want to honor rescuers.
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Earnest by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100248
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
=> Visit our channel for full heartbreaking videos:
*Dying Tiny Puppy Dumped In Forest Painfully Crying & Fighting For Its Life Is Rescued And Rehome
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Somebody look like you actually hurt the dog
Vous êtes malade de torturé un peu plus ce pauvre chien qui souffre vous avez vu la façon ou vous vous aprocher de lui, SANS LE RASSURE !!!!!! vous lui serré la gueule la couverture sur les yeux non seulement vous le terrorisé et lui faites encore plus mal étant donné qu'il essaies de se défendre !!!! vous aimez les animaux ?? ou les faire encore plus souffrir !!!!! et c'est quoi cette façon barbare de le renter dans votre cage de débile ? vous avez vu votre brutalité ? je signale votre vidéo et attention à vous laisser les animaux mourrir au lieu des les faire encore plus souffrir, malade !!! va
Broke my heart but thank you for helping ❤
구조하신분들 천사님들 맞죠?
개장수 아니죠?
불쌍한 아가를 꼭 살려주세요
좋은 가족만나 사랑받고 행복하게 살수있게 끝까지 책임지고 지켜주세요
Ketna derd ,pain ho rahe hogig 🖐️😭
U could of tied his mouth to move him.he just got hit by a car and u dragged him..thank u for helping.u probly made it worse for him.his injury..we don't move humans like that.
Deus Abençoe toda boa acao😇🌟🕊️🙏
Bless your heart. Gods warrior. ❤ Poor baby. 😢
This how heartless and cruel humanity is you know what the Mexican wants love and understanding but don't have it to give they are racist they discriminate and play very dirty
❤❤❤ please help her/him..the eyes shows it..
Thanks guys 😢
Dear lord man's cruelty to animals, or each other is shocking to me. And I know that they will pay one day for hitting this poor animal
People do all kinds of things to help annals but why didn’t this people show the end?!
sir too much helping god blessd u too pls
Please,help this poor dog😢
Where's the update!
They need a chance to really live, a loving home. Hope and pray the Vet helped him. So very sad.
Donnez de ses nouvelles svp
Help dog vet and feed ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
😭omg hope he ok
не мужчина а трус
just thinking about that precious dog laying there all alone and hurt breaks my heart. I hope you were able to get him the help he needed.
Y el veterinario?…
Gracias por el rescate pero terminar el vídeo ver la asistencia médica evolución,ni ponen seguir
Poor baby
Bendiciones 🙏🙌❤💪
Please update on her recovery. My prayers ❤❤❤❤. God bless you and the kiddo
This video made me believe Angels live on earth 🌎 too! God bless you angels with every good thing he has for humans. ❤