Welcome to the newest Episode of Classic Hardcore Moments.
World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore is a community gaming mode developed to give an extra level of challenge to players. One life – if you die, you have to delete your character.
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Featured Players in This Video:
1. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1952642264?t=00h25m44s
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_LGw7_z9cw
3. https://clips.twitch.tv/AwkwardPiercingManateeTTours-aqEmM2yoyiyQgaXp
4. https://www.twitch.tv/sequisha/clip/LaconicModernNightingaleBabyRage-Cl0fmNiS0VodRGe3
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Tup3WYxfU
6. https://www.twitch.tv/batgasm/clip/AcceptableConcernedMageTooSpicy–zZ4Uil-UR5LV6u9
7. https://medal.tv/de/games/wow-classic/clips/1uNWtNUacK8pFa/Onj6VcbXPOeX?invite=cr-MSxESXUsOTAzMTc0MCw
8. https://clips.twitch.tv/ShakingAgreeableDunlinItsBoshyTime-4vbIZI-tPhX1hc6v
9. https://clips.twitch.tv/PerfectTolerantSwanWTRuck-hb57DcI9yGrBSMRc
10. https://www.twitch.tv/kungentv/clip/ApatheticAstutePuppyPeteZarollTie-Norx4-oyB-6Trm28
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiC_BwWfkk0
12. https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulStylishAnacondaKlappa-YMzVUcrYtdDpRwja
13. https://clips.twitch.tv/GorgeousExpensiveRaisinUnSane-CdpsqoUEL9Qz4ZMb
14. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1936684312
15. HC Discord Clip
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMYwioHAbsU
17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuD2qER2ERE
18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prGW8CSt0ss
19. https://www.twitch.tv/ziqoftw/clip/AgileTsundereFloofFrankerZ-ze2I3jroA74-JwwY
20. https://clips.twitch.tv/BombasticColdbloodedNightingalePlanking-Pp8u0RDy-WL_QnUj
21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1B2fK4nDpg
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How you going to play hc without the Wi-Fi box in your room
Question is in hardcore no lay on hands or shamen ankh possible in raids?
Holy shit, "use your petri when it wears off" was the worst advice i've ever heard, in that LBRS warrior clip.
"Oh they have a mana burn, thats why"
No you pulled like 7 packs in scarlet monastery that's why. 😂
7:10 almost death how did he teleport to boss? Was that a charge or something that glitched?
10:00 deserved, you're just bad xD
Why do i see so many clips of people using petri, and then leave party? How about doing it the other way around so that the potion doesn't time out before you are ported out of the dungeon?
11:47 dude saying they should run needs to uninstall 😀 also gotta love the tank trying his hardest not to LOS those fireballs.
the most painfull death was the hunter in duskwood, with all the completed quests to just turn them in, such a pain :S
Thank you for using this clip of me, and not the one where I kill another hunter by leashing the mob attacking them.
10:01 proof matrix existence, i fucking rofled seriously
2:55 Is it a true mustache ? looks like Freddie Mercury
Paladins still trying to tank with no taunt and players still trusting them 😂
People in chat be always 'NOOOOO', meanwhile I'm always 'YESSSSSSS DIE MF'. Good content as always.
New Vanilla Server Sanctuary
im losing my shit over here just trying to lvl a druid and keep dying just lost a 12 after spending all day level toons and dying. feel like i wasted the last 12 hours.
it's sad seeing priests not use a single aoe heal in those situations
tank on landslide almost learned a very important lesson on wall positioning
Turn. On. Enemy. Nameplates (for the love of Elune).
2:20 thats a good moustache
Awesome how that stupid pally in the end replied the same error 4 times. Getting charge-stunned by the bear. So dumb.
Doods summoning him back to Mulgor. Duude should have reseted the petri earlier before all the mobs are on him.
Hunter run plus stitches 😂
Man, that healer at the end got screwed over so hard after doing everything he could. Was nice seeing a non wipe in SM for a change though. Also that hunter resetting his pull in AQ40 like a champ!
how the fk does ppl play HC and doesn't even have a keybind for healing pot
I don’t understand the landslide clip
"alright get out get out get out" after the entire raid dies. What a clown lol
I too have suffered from "retail brain" from time to time.
Kungen is the worst WoW player of ALL TIME. Fucking troll-ass serial killer.
You couldn’t pay me to play with Kungen. Has there ever been a more disgusting troll healer in all of classic WoW?
Where do you find these morons?
The most important thing to decide after you join Kungen's raid is what you are going to name your next character.
Idk bout y'all, but watching 60s die makes me feel nothing. Where's the leveling deaths
Haha, that fking tank in the last clip in DM! What an absolute douche! Most coward tank ever! Good to know, who to blacklist… letting your healer die like this. Disgraceful
ive seen couple of healers there. jeez, just heal tank and do damage in your spare time. if someone of dps wanna get aggro – let him get aggro. let him survive on his own. he knows what hes doing or he dies
MC wipe "Im sorry." 😂
"unplugged the wifi box" do you live in a tent and run an extension cords to the wifi box?
Pally at the end I reccomend Clique. No need to click to target just mouse over.
Shame on leguintwo