BEST OF SEMI-TRUCK CRASHES | Road Rage, Hit and run, Brake checks | COMPILATION 2023

BEST OF SEMI-TRUCK CRASHES | Road Rage, Hit and run, Brake checks | COMPILATION 2023
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⚫ Links to the original videos:

1. J F – — Merging miscalculated ( )

2. The Safety Team – — Accident Video ( Pennsylvania )

3. Trucker MFer – — Insane Truck Rollover! Must Watch

4. 1saacpenner – — ( Outlook SK )

5. Edge of Entropy – — Semi hit me ( Chattanooga, TN )

6. Dab11082 – — Semi crash ( )

7. Ok, Brampton – — ( Mississauga, ON )

8. Truckin’Cat – — ( Clarksville, TN )

9. Anonymous

10. G Tv W U.T.G ™🍎 alief – — U.T.G survives potential fatal 18 wheeler hit and run ( )

11. Worse Than Chiggers – — Traffic Accident ( Stafford County, Virginia )

12. Michael Sims – — He said he didn’t see me

13. LizardOfOz – — ( Elk River, MN )

14. FirstyThirsty – — ( Houston, TX )

15. Quaza – — ( Springdale, AR )

16. sns jeep – — Saint Lazare QC

17. SK8N LLC – — Beaumont Texas. insurance paid $1600 to semi.

18. Dan H – — ( Ypsilanti, MI )

19. u/Yaibisalki – — 18 Wheeler Says Hi! ( )

20. theBADman – — Semi Truck Avoids Head on Collision ( )

21. In this day and age – — Fedex Crash Hwy 89 ( )

22. norahc – — Multi car accident ( )

23. Andrew – — SURPRISING Near Death situation

24. u/Nekromorph_

25. Trucking On 95 – — Trucker Can’t Pull Off Road

26. Shaithis – — Under the truck ( Suwanee/Georgia )

27. D Christley – — Dash cam video 2016

28. u/J-Rag – — Idiot cuts off semi truck and side swipes pickup.

29. Ray – — My Accident!! Dash cam video ( not at fault)

30. Caleb – — ( I-10 San Antonio ) Beltway 8 Houston

31. Charles Magnan – — Garmin Trinity, TX

32. Mathew Weippert – — I80 Crash ( )

33. AlfredoCharro – — Car Accident ( Bay Area – North 880. )

34. elpajaro76 – — Md south bound route 5 ( )

35. Scott Snow Wolf – — Road Rage asshole hits truck to try to prove a point in Vancouver, Washington ( )

36. SK8N LLC – — Jeep rubbed truck but landing gear whooped jeep. ( Port Arthur Texas )

37. David Gales – — I-94 in Chicago accident ( )

38. Lee Dunkeson – — Rear Ended in our Tesla ( Modesto, CA )

39. 100mgd – — Chevy Silverado rear ends T-Force trailer broken down on shoulder ( )

40. Gerrybee – — ( )

41. Thomas Weaver – — DUI Hit Run ( south of Atlanta, Georgia )

42. SK8N LLC – — ( )

⚫ My socials:

⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick


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About the Author: Dashcam Lessons


  1. 10:
    Clearly you are a new driver.
    You began merging into the lane the second you started moving. You’re supposed to use the shoulder until you reach at least 40 mph. And, the shoulder in front of you was perfect for it.

  2. Clip #10… no matter how new of a driver you are, common sense… build up speed while on the shoulder and make sure its safe to merge back onto the HWY. Being a new driver isn't and excuse to through common sense out the window….NONE!!!

  3. 0:17 congested highway, and yet a-hole semi driver wants to be in the passing lane, preventing faster traffic from passing the slower semi's? Not saying the dude in the white car is much better, driving as slow as he was, but f*** these semi drivers.

  4. I drove fuel tankers out of Atlanta for a few years. Had a BMW start brake-checking me one day, so when we reached a light and he had to stop in front of me, I just pulled up against the rear of his shiny BMW and push the bumper in while shoving him about 15 feet. He got out as mad as he could be. Now, I'm not a small fellow,, and I'm not very pretty, so I got out, and stared at him while I calmly told him he were going to sit there until the police arrived to write me a ticket, and then I'd have his name and address so I could drop by his house late one night so we could talk about his poor driving etiquette. I was still staring at him when he got into his BMW and left. This was before cell phones, but I did have a bag phone, so I used it to call the cops and report him for a hit and run in case he tried to lie about what happened later. Not even a scratch on my truck's bumper.

  5. #10 was well deserved. Idiots stopping on the shoulder to do something switch drivers or log off of their log book cook their noodles. Then they see traffic coming from behind and decide I better floor it into the lane of traffic at 3mph.
    This industry is starting to suck more and more as time goes.

  6. 18. even though the semi had the right of way, last chance doctrine would still put the semi as fault, as he could have avoided the accident. He's lucky they paid for his damage.

  7. Some things I want to share with you:
    1. Always try to avoid being on the right side of a truck.
    2. Even if the other one is at fault, that doesn't mean you are less stupid if you don't break. If you feel like a situation might become dangerous, avoid it by breaking slightly or changing lanes.
    3. If you see an accident occurring, ALWAYS stop and make sure there is no more help needed.
    4. Stay safe.

  8. That 2nd clip, if you're texting and driving, or driving while on your phone like that, you're not special, you're not better than anyone, you're just the next statistic.

  9. 5:32 This is your fault new trucker! You're supposed to use the shoulder to get up to speed before merging, and you obviously failed to see that truck coming at you! Idiot newbie! 😎✌🗽

  10. Video 6 same as 3. I drive a 36 foot Motorhome and just finished 5,500 miles in 3 months. I drive the right lane and watch ahead for on ramp problems. It is easier to let up on the gas a little before the on-ramp traffic. If you wait until the last second the on-ramp driver will slow down so now I have to slow down even more.

  11. Video 3 wouldn’t it have been better to just let up on the gas a little so the other trucker could have avoided the accident. Now you have to deal with the police report maybe getting your rig fixed.

  12. #9 – in the Amazon truck's defense that SB i35 construction area between San Marcos and San Antonio is AWFUL and has been for years. The barriers are literally right up against the lane there is no shoulder and the lanes literally swerve around throughout the construction zones with BAD absolutely BAD markings. I used to be cut off all the time through that construction. You can't see anything in bright sun, nobody knows where the lanes are, and you're all pumping 70+mph. It's a hell-scape.

  13. The car at the 12 minute mark is at fault, brake checking the semi. Semi's can't stop on a dime, and with no trailer attached, there is no weight to aid in the rear tires having grip in braking. This one is just a Karen who doesn't like semi's trying to get free money. Thankfully the Karen driver can't sue the semi driver.

  14. As for the Amazon driver I'm sure pure exhaustion played a part in that too. It takes freaking miracles for 2 day delivery to happen in an economy where no one can handle physical labor. So all delivery companies are short staffed and having to work 100+ hours a week to get you your crap!

  15. #31 – aren't oversized loads supposed to have front and rear spotter vehicles to block traffic so you don't have to do dumb shit like pull into oncoming traffic with no warning to other drivers?

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