Craig McMahon asks spiritual top experts about the afterlife. What happens when we die, where do we go, and what do we know about the afterlife.
Craig McMahon asks spiritual top experts about the afterlife. What happens when we die, where do we go, and what do we know about the afterlife.
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If nothing bad exists in Heaven and it is so wonderful and we have incarnated so we have and seen earth. We have been exposed to it all. Why on this green earth would be ever want to come back to this horribly terrifying place. Why would we wish to contract our soul to experience being murdered or murdering? Why would we want to live to be 100+ yrs old or lose a child? I never want to come back here.
Since we have freewill, maybe Earth is hell. This is punishment for doing anything to blemish Heaven by a bad thought. It's this or the real HELL. If, when you enter death you are downloaded with all the knowledge, where is point to come back? We are there. Every wonder is given it's answer.
I do believe taking your own life, you do NOT get that. You do NOT get to where you want to go. You go to where you see the pain you caused. You are in a place you stay until all that feel the pain are gone and passed. Every time anyone remembers you and aches because of it you have to go through it. Your mom lives to feel until she is very, very old. You little brother lives 90 more years. Yuck, no. Just live your life out. It's not always bad and tomorrow can be better.
She saw through the couch but not the treat or the floor?
And why would spirit see color? It's an optical phenomenon that requires eyes. Blind from birth don't see colors. They don't dream in color. No memories of color.
This stuff is great, experiences happen, but your brain is working… no one has proven the existence of any single particle beyond the physical outside of the brain. You can bring on visions with electrical simulation of areas of the brain. So… believe what you like. You make it.
Smh so many deceived people, everyone. If you want to know what happen, where you go when you die, read SCRIPTURE. It's all there. Don't listen to any of the folks in this video, they are ALL deceived. If you are a Believer in Christ Jesus…you will be with Christ in Heaven. If you are not a Believer, you will go to Hell…eternal torment. Only 2 options. No matter what you hear, feel, believe…if it's not from God's Word…it's a LIE. SCRIPTURE says it is appointed for us to die once, then face JUDGEMENT.
So basically, the soul wants drama and suffering
You don't take piano lessons there 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂because you already know
There are three types of dying. From an accident. From old or natural death. And last. Of death. And returning, after.
Craig looks like he just got out of bed, lol 😆
I hope souls don't have to re-incarnate if they just need to be home in heaven. I hope.
Mediums and psychics is not from God, be careful getting in the occult. That is from the energy the Devil
Only one God in 3- The Father, the Son and Holy Spirit!!
What about Jesus, He said I’m the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me, that’s the only way to go to heaven. There is no recantation.
I've been there I was falling on my brother had transcendent and two spirit I saw my sister I saw my mother I saw other songs that they were human the highly intelligent it's beautiful that but I couldn't stay I didn't want to stay he wouldn't ask me that we don't talk we don't say nothing only know how to break your mind
You go back to source that one that created you but all creators on this planet Source live in you are never supposed to separate yourself from source everybody will know the whole truth do your numbers numerology think that's what they called I really numbers was first was the universal laws
I know.
There will not be a recycling this time.
And that's just what I remember.
Didn't switch last time
Just continued on.
Deaths dream.
There's a whole bunch of us but most cannot fathom or remember.
Most who do are not nice. But evil priests.
Multi dimensional what it was for me. Seeing and understanding everything.
Thank you to all who helped to,make this video. Sending love, light, peace, joy, abundant wealth, great health,comfort and safe shelter to all, and so it is, amen
I dont know anyone who considers living life on earth a luxury. No way, life is a struggle and suffering.
I went to where I was created. It is not solid over there. Nothing like earth school.
Nobody knows what happens when u die untill u experience it when your time comes and when we die we just dead nothing to say behind that
They are all speaking of the Astral Realms which is the region directly above the Earth plane that to a degree interpenetrates our world. There is higher and lower Astral. Above that are higher and more spiritual planes on the way home to God. Yet it is not linear…more of a spiral.
Greetings Craig, Thank you for this documentary. For a few months you and I were friends on FB and I told you a bit about my Death Experience. I have followed your work and find what others experiences have been, are quite different from my own experience. I am now working on my 2nd book. This book is about my Death Experience. My journey was much a learning experience which has been very much of an asset to the Prophetic Gifts I have been given. Blessings dear traveler 🙏
Umm.. hence the term near death. My patients tell me amazing things in Hospice. The veil grows very thin
I'm turning off after I seen James van prugh
Well I hate to say but there is life after death bc I was one of them. August 25, 2005 I overdose on crack cocaine & died & the Doctors & Nurse's had to use a defibrillator on me & needles to say at birth I had a heart murmur. Scary feeling.
If the spirit world is as described, why isn't there line of people trying to get in?
No one has ever died and came back here. This is one of the many mysteries that God has intentionally chosen to keep from us. YOU DO NOT NO WHAT HAPPEN'S SO STOP IT. NEITHER OF YOU HAS EVER DIED BECAUSE IF YOU DIED….YOU'D STILL BE DEAD.