Rude Customers Who Got McOWNED!

Rude Customers Who Got McOWNED!
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These are rude or disrespectful customers at fast food restaurants who didn’t get their way, so they got owned by Managers! Keep watching to see these angry Karen’s cause Public Freakouts at popular stores & restaurants, only for these people to get Instant Karma!

In this video you’ll find the best karen moments and karen’s getting owned!

If you want to see more #KAREN Public Freakouts check this!

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About the Author: Retail Nightmares


  1. Oh my god! It's a f’in food!… It happened to me once, when I received a different order, too! I didn't care; all I cared about was the food and nothing else!

  2. Working customer service sucks I used to make ids and unfortunately, my computer didn't work and my customers were pissed at me all the time originally I liked showing up to help people but eventually i just started to feel empty inside

  3. They have safety height requirements for rides so the kids don’t fly off… what a fucking jackass. Shitty parents like that raise Karen’s that grow up to be wackos 😂😂

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