From a scary person filmed by the side of the road to a creepy figure in a mask seen lurking in the woods, we look at scary people filmed in real life. #ScaryPeople #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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4. Strange Creature In Woods https://youtu.be/gNjqKpLv7Io
Scary Creature caught on video https://youtu.be/FX7rZLfyv3o
Scary Creature Spotted At Lake Murray SC https://youtu.be/tLOqSXLjh9s
2. Creepy man spotted in woods!!! https://youtu.be/G8FLRUx0zI4
1. SCARY MAN ON SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!! https://youtu.be/0_85snQmX28
Apprehension – Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100327
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
That's why you won't ever find a$$ on no bus 😂
7:30 was definitely fake 💀💀
7:41 – If you are seriously trying to pass this off as a real "sinister" situation, you are either A. Incredibly stupid OR B. Incredibly desperate for clicks. Did the Nike pants and socks NOT give this away as a kid's fake prank?
1:03 they did him so dirty😭
All fake 😂
Im sleeping bad tonight
looks like big foot
Yfske Fake fake
First man on the bus…San Fran California….that kind of look on his face…big buck teeth…dudes a crack head man. Case closed
oh give me a break! these are all staged! d'huh!
Blud y are u walking towards him
Another peace of the fakest fake of the fake😒
The "scary man photographed on bus" just looks funny to me, not scary at all.
I'm sure all those videos were fake, but this was entertaining.
Why was he able to even get on the bus that driver should closed the door on him an left 😊😊
Funny everyone records all there day
Bro your vocal delivery is annoying. You’re not a flight attendant. Please smooth it out. Impossible to listen to!
hahahah this video is so funny XD
Most of these are fake. Cmon guys
I think that girl with her head twisted is a photoshop!
That black figure may be a bigfoot
Dang , someone walking in the woods. Wicked spooky. People are so desperate for something out of the ordinary.
I’m sorry for looking into your eyes
Dude you must really be struggling to come of with content. Not a single video was anywhere close to convincing. Every encounter could easily be made by a 3rd grader
who is the boy with the masked killer and what is his youtube name
The baby mask one is staged, 2 young boys.
i think its a scp or its big foot😅😅
Usually people don’t have cameras or video recording devices handy when the unexplained happens. But the boys in the second video always have their video recorders handy. Which seems so fake.
Omg obv the kid was lyn n had a friend.
Thatsa grown ass man stalking children ..for years
JESUS CHRIST!!! I totally was NOT expecting, nor did I fucking want to see Reagan with her head all spun up, sitting on her bed.. both my kids just ran out the door to play outside. So alone, I screamed.. like way louder than a grown ass single father ever should
How strange to film a disabled person with bulgy eyes and huge teeth and to pick it apart on video like a shrink. Go find the guy and help him get his teeth removed and a two grand denture if you want some big elaborate story based on one photo. So rude and strange.
Imagine me bringing from Hampton roads
how can we be sure the guy on the bus isnt just wearing a mask?
I bet to much ice I think.
Just look at him.
So creepy
This Video ist Just cringe and all staged and Not scary only the Woman and the First Crystal Meth Guy littlebit
ive encountered a demon or it was a posessed person.. It screeched like a serpent loudly and was in the body of a homeless man walking down the road at 2am in sun city center florida…
bus guy looks to be a demon…
The gost of Jeffery Dahmer is looking for a another victim
Some of these spooks ghosts look so creepy to me!
What pretty, sharp, possibly nicotine stained yellow teeth you have!! The better to chew your face off my pretty!! 😂😜
That scary face guy on the bus looked completely demon possessed.