00:00:00 My home burned from a bedroom fire. MIL’s plot unveiled. The person rushed to ER…
00:26:48 My honeymoon shock: woke to husband embracing my sis… Took his passport and left; the fallout.
00:50:07 My hubby changed overnight when I inherited my dad’s $13M. After telling the truth…
01:17:54 My DIL left after my son’s death, abandoning our frail 6-yr-old grandson… Karma hit later.
01:42:28 My husband suddenly wanted to live with his brother. Called me a burden, so I plotted revenge.
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Mother in law or not, I would not tolerate being hit.
Story about the thief family is made up, no one gets off just because they gave what they stole back.
Ok, so the Grandma raised a pushover son and opened the door to that witch ( I mean she didn't call the cops and she let her inside )
House fires are investigated by the Fire Marshal as a matter of course. Anyone intending to set fire is an arsonist and will likely be caught.
Passport for Hawaii? Not unless they didn’t come from the US though her flying to JFK makes it in the US
This doesn't happen in the United States they must have like the sound of the places. Crappy mother in law. Lock that bi-ch of a mother in law. Press charges.
This doesn't happen in the United States they must have like the sound of the places. Crappy mother in law. Lock that bi-ch of a mother in law. Press charges.
Shut up MIL
I don't know, y'all, regardless if I had to live with my in-law, it is too much, and I if had to go through all that trauma and hermits, then I'd whether live on the street,then too work like a slave or a servant.
But then again, if she knows that her husband would protect her, then why wouldn't she let her husband know what she is going through with her mother-in-law because if he doesn't know, then how is able to protect.
It’s funny that everyone is complaining, but when I went to certain states like NYC Chinatown or California, they still live with in-laws in those states and do have matchmakers and sell duck hanging from a window, so explore more. Spanish families live with large families too, it’s not that uncommon. Just a different culture in the USA.
Could we recentre these stories to their true location please? Most Americans don't live with their in laws, especially the eldest son. They don't have matchmaking parties. MILs dont physically attack their son's wives.
Lol they love using Nebraska a lot despite having 50 States they can choose from 🙂 You're right, mostly, if not all of the stories featured here are based on Asian culture. It does kinda sound wierd when they use western names and Nebraska 🙂 but the story line does not match the western culture.
Despite mentioning Nebraska it sounds more like they live in Asia. That's where it is common to live with the husband's family it's after marriage. Americans don't do that nor take orders from their MIL as if they were a servant. The inlaws' house may have burned down but Bob and OP already had rented an apartment. MIL in incriminated herself for the arson. I'm glad the MIL will pay for her crime.