15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Leave You With Extreme Chills

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15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Leave You With Extreme Chills

This original work of horror promises to keep you looking over your shoulder.

Inspired by r/nosleep, these scary videos will scare you in a way you’ll be begging for more.

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#scaryvideos #caughtoncamera #thehaunter


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About the Author: The Haunter


  1. Everyone one of those is explainable and 99% are fake
    i am not a sceptic,i even have one personal video from 4 years ago that i never posted on video and only showed to couple friends and family members … Me and my wife experienced many paranormal events and you just know the difference of a real one and fake one …
    I can say that the most of those are fake ones… Especially dude in the house with color lights and closing door … When something like that happens trust me,you dont walk towards it and especially you dont leave lights off ….

  2. Every time i see someone is freaking out and hunting a Ghost he gets in the room put the lite on and Turns around and switsh the lite off..nowbody hu is hunting a dark pice off the hell would neve switsh the darkness

  3. 1:36 what is this, below the chair, right side? It's a mouth or a eye?one second later, it's gone.5:49 half a second Stop, there is a white head, in the left corner, on the bottom.5:50 half a second you see it changes, same place.6:29 three quarter a second Stop, there is a black Figure infront of him . grey head and hands.7:26 Do you see the head of a woman, in the middle.17:07 look at this entity, above him.19:23 I hear a woman giggle.

  4. NUMBER 4 IS DEBUNKED. a other paranormal investigator did go into the room and on the tabel stood a small round carousel with a black cutout of a woman with a oud dress contoured and a lightbulb in the middle and the outer part with the paper women turned in cirkels so the light would make a shadow every time the cutout from the woman past by. That,s how they made the shadow figure and it could move because of the carousel with the light in the middle . There is also a video clip of it on youtube.

  5. Mr 13 It,s for the beter that he did not see the big shadow figure at 3:46 in the doorway neer the stairs and again at 5:24 that moves fast against the closet wall. I know it,s difficult because fear is a normal human defence mechanism , but these bad entity,s feed on that so try and keep kalmer if possible, AND THE HAUNTED DESERVES A LOT MORE LIKE,S, I just watched a very known so called famous person who get a lot of likes for his ghost clips, but he shows a lot of old clips that almost everyone knowes and I always give a positive comment But when he did it again tonight, 4 times in 2 weeks, i commented that i like his clips, but he can do better. Do your homework because a lot of your clips are repeats and so old and most of us now these, and look before he put it in the video,s because a lot of the clips you did shown often in video,s he put together the last half year and he has a million subscribers. So you woud think that he woud do his best LIKE YOU FROM THE HAUNTED ARE DOING, but it seems that this so called celebrity, got lazy or it is going over his head. GIVE THE HAUNTED A LIKE PLEASE BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT.

  6. Is it me or, around the 10:30 mark in the room with the horror movie dolls, is there a small doll next to the cutout of the US that looks like it moved a little bit?

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