Honey Terrier abandoned on the front door by teenagers injured.
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The series is about people trying to save animals from danger. Animal control officers try to assist animals in unsafe environments and respond other animal related emergencies.
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#Pets&Vets #animalrescue #dogs
I liked these videos when people do good things then.
Poor Queenie. I could not cope living next to someone feeding all those cats. That Cat John guy is a nutcase.
I’m glad all these animals got vet treatment and better homes, all their owners were idiots. This was such a hard episode to watch how do you let animal suffer like this? The old man let his sheep suffer for months! That duct taped was disgusting he wouldn’t want his own wound duct taped so why do it to an animal?? Honey was such a cute dog she looked so happy with her new family!
Incredibly hard to watch these stories of what people do to defenceless animals. 😖
10 to 20 cats? That's not a lot, the true ridiculous ones are cat colonirs with 80+ cats and those are wild to see
Why do they keep calling these chihuahua mixes terriers lol
Have these owners got a serious mental problem or are they just bloodyvevil
Honey is a lovey dog
oh boy…if the narrator call a chicken a rooster he is in trouble…
Poor honey. I wish she were here since she reminds me of my Raven who was killed by a car.
Hope the teenager wasn't old enough to meet the old belt for letting the family dog suffer that way. My opinion.
These RSPCA workers need to get NETS. Watched them chasing and grabbing so many animals, trying to catch with their hands which is dangerous!
The kid won’t ignored the injured dog should have to do a couple years community service helping animals. The kid knew the animal was hurt, no water or food…and didn’t care. Awful.
Save the dogs
Don’t buy
Please adopt.
Sorry, in this day and age there is…..WIFI! You can look up how to help an injured dog OR phone your Parents and get their advice. Absolutely no excuse. The Teenager should be made to do Community Service and an Animal Shelter to learn more about Animals, maybe Evan learn to care about them.
Why do these people have pets they have no clue how to be responsible owners and I say that with contempt when they clearly have no idea what they are causing to the animals!
Why the hell would you tape a dog month for barking why the hell my dog a cheeky bitch she back at me and think she is funny
If they couldn't afford to have that poor dog treated, they should have given it up so it would get treatment. Totally iresponsable.
What surprises me is that the trucks aren't set up with cages in the back to put animals in.
This shows that kids need to be taught compassion for animals.