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About the Author: Watch Me


  1. Just know a group of men from the hood got a couple whites and yall girls n yall brothers ona gender trip slaved punking yall at a walmart ina hood slavesvots a black william lynch

  2. Y'all ina group not responding to messages we not finna protect y'all y'all disrespected our culture….they pkayn games at work half us caught on we Tuskmasters that whole group aimed at y'all goofies

  3. The same bihs that’s screaming they don’t need a man is also screaming men don’t protect them 😂😂😂😂this bihs are useless

  4. Everyone on this site do this, doesn't matter where you're from. Yelling, and fighting each other. It's why the world is dying. You don't have no love or respect for each other. What ever happens, happens.

  5. Why! Why do people have to yell all the time about every thing. I think if people spoke with an inside voice, people would listen unless of course you are trying to converse with a yelled.

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