How long can they go on howling? Once they start you just can’t stop watching these precious pups!
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Song: Rainbows by Kevin MacLeod [CC BY 3.0]
2:45 is that a German Shepherd Daschund mix?
Winner is toss up between 04:08 and the lazy sausage corgi awwoo at the end.
Nothing cuter than a little stinky with a case of the woowoos! And the rooroos. And a big happy awwooo!
This gives me life
I love the howling; not the goddam background noise!
The dislikes are from a bunch of cats.
Lol at the one at 9:00
2:02 “Would you keep it down? I’m trying to sleep here!”
THIS is the most dangerous video ever conceived.
I love it when they tilt their head up and start learning to let out howls. So precious.
Don't put fucking music over the puppies god dammit
Don't you be mean to those cute little puppies. Pick them up now .
0:55 I know who that looks like Louie the beagle
Those too Huskies were having howling contest or shouting match
I'm tellin you maan dogs are not from this earth or from this planet at all .
These dog's are too freaking smart . For us. this maybe seem hilarious but these little puppy's been howl from birth it's like a call to arms or callm but since we don't know what they were born .
These puppy's can take over the world by howling at the same woww this made my day .
48 seconds in, you see a depressed looking puppy filthy and covered in flies….. I hope someone swooped in and saved this poor poor baby……
I loved the way writer Tom Wolfe described Stock Market boys as “baying for money.”
205 people who disliked this:I'm a monster and an idiot
206 dislikes are spoiled kitties.