We were recently surrendered a couple of lizards with swollen and/or infected eyes- a Chinese water dragon and a leopard gecko. Although one case has a sad ending, the other one is doing much better!
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Snake Discovery
831 Century Ave N.
Maplewood, MN 55119
Music by BenSound and Epidemic Sound
A chinese water dragon was the reptile i wanted as a kid. When my parents told me to do reaearch on it and total up all the costs i realized they were expensive (not just them the tank set uo as well) and ditched the option. My first reptile ended up being a leopard gecko.
Sorry about Ivanka. With how calm she was going to the vet to get here eye removed, it was like how our dog Abby was when we took her to the vet to get her checked out before she passed away. Animals do seem to know when their time is almost up.
Bringing her to the vet is probably the best you could do. Dealing with a infection your not familliar with could result it in getting worse or getting you nowhere.
I’m really sad about EyeVanka. She could have had a chance if given proper treatment early on. I love animals and fully support rescues when I can but losing animals when it’s just too late, is gut wrenching..
It is the sad truth of animal rescues that even in no kill shelters you have to say goodbye too many times.
I helped ferrets, and I always went with them into the back and cradled them for the vet.
I found that it gets easier after a while, so I quit.
The sorrow we feel is a tribute to the love we felt for the most vulnerable of companions and I treasure the sadness I feel.
Fostering rescued and surrendered animals is so much harder on your emotions than people realize.
I appreciate you acknowledging this reality of caring for animals in shelters.
Poor Ivonca but well done Eleanor
Watching the Video exactly a year later 😅
It’s interesting hearing that Meloxicam is used in reptiles as well as mammals. Especially as someone that takes Meloxicam for my arthritis flare ups.
This was a hard watch. My old rabbit recently had an eye infection and eventually died an hour or two during the recovery after getting his eye removed 🙁 He was 11 years old, so likely just too old for a narcosis like that, but still very sad
Retired R.N. here. Amazing!
I’m so sorry about the water dragon , but I CANNOT believe Elenor survived I thought it would’ve been the other way round with Eleanor passing away, I’m sure you guys did your best and made her life before she passed way a lot better,I’m so sorry she died
I’m honestly shocked that the water dragon was the one who didn’t make it. That gecko’s eye looked way worse. If you put both lizards in front of me and told me one of them needed an eye removed, I would’ve guessed the gecko. I don’t know a lot about reptile illnesses, but the gecko’s eye just looked visually way worse.
I’m glad she was able to recover so well, and I’m sorry that the water dragon didn’t make it. It sucks but, like you said, that’s the risk you run when you rescue sick animals. Sometimes, they just don’t survive treatment.
I can't believe how swollen that geckos eye was at the start and looked that good in 3 days! Holy cow!! So sad about the dragon, but at least she got some loving care in the last part of her life. 💚
Your lucky when I put my water dragon down she’s out! Of here!
You should show a before and after of a critter that had recovered from things like that.
umm… banana???
14:02 people when the meet me be like
I'm Eleanor And I'm gonna have a optometrist visit soon to!
everyone say F in this replies.
Why would you handle her and poke her eye without gloves literally right after the vet put a needle in there? Doesn’t seem like a great idea.