7 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Give You Chills – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.
In this episode of 7 scary ghost videos, you will see: 7 scary ghost videos that’ll give you chills! These include; A scary TikTok ghost video shows a creepy ghost caught on a CCTV camera. Scary poltergeist activity is caught on video inside a haunted house, but is it a real haunting? Japanese ghost hunters visit an abandoned haunted asylum and capture the face of a ghost on camera. A scary photo shows a mysterious ghostly figure whose spirit resides in the haunted house. A scary video of a creature known as a cave dweller is caught on video. Midwest Ghost Hunter visits the haunted San Haven Sanatorium and captures real paranormal activity on camera Plus many more scary videos! These are 7 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Give You Chills
00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 7 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Give You Chills
23:41 – Outro
MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!
7 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Give You Chills
#scary #ghost #creepy
If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR That Will Give You Nightmares! https://youtu.be/GPV4XTJYBcU
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Hey all! Here's 7 SCARY GHOST Videos! Hope you all enjoy! 👍
County boy without a firearm…
The Japanese hospital face is the f’n wall
What’s up man. Hope all is well with you. Just came across your channel so subscribe to it. Love the channel. I’m into all this stuff for years me and my good friend Patrick. I’m Eamonn from Ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇪☘️☘️. Me and my friend whatch other channels to do with the paranormal. And there good from other parts of the world and that’s ok. But then we came across your channel and have watched everything you put up on your channel and we love the things you catch on video. Well we know your English you sound like your more up north in England. One of the best shows we watch sometimes is called HELP MY HOUSE IS HUNTED on to. And that’s in England were they do all there shows. But anyway we came across your channel and we love your channel with the videos you get to share with people. Your doing a great job and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next. Me and my friend love the paranormal stuff that we even went to an old house near were we live and it’s known that a white lady can be seen at this old house in the middle of nowhere just country side. And I swear to god we saw her in the dark late around 1130 pm. It just blew our minds but we left that house very fast after that. It was crazy. But as I said love your channel man. Keep it up. Your friend Eamonn here from Ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇪☘️. Have a good one mate. 👍👍✌️✌️
I love your videos so much I watch every night and I think I’ve almost watched every video! I wish I had footage from my trip to Eloise asylum was that craziest paranormal activity I’ve ever experienced
Ya knooow…it amazes me how the people checking out or investigating and recording these incidents dont use a BRIGHTER light …they do exist ya know…BRIGHTER LIGHTS to see better🙄 juuuust sayin….
سلام دوست عزیز روی کره زمین چیزی به عنوان روح نداریم وقتی انسان میمیره روح برای حساب و کتاب. اعمالش به اسمان میره.؟ اینها همه جن یا انس ویا شیاطین هستن که روی کره زمین با ما انسانها زندگی میکنن و اینها همه جن هستن دوست عزیز ممنون از کایپ های قشنگ و حقیقی شما
بسیارعالی وهیجان انگیزبود ممنون👍👍👌👌
Ashy Murpy doesn't seem to be particularly worried by these goings on.
22:03 this must be dudes "happy dance" or something lol
👻👽👻Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up👻👽👻
Iranian paranormal researchers broadcast many videos from your channel.
Thanks for adding the Persian translation.
Cheers for showing these , we need more honest ghost clips because theres too many idiots who fake stuff , but glad to say youve collected some pucka ones here lad.
Some ppl need to start having there guns
it was just a regular person
Crawlers? No.. that's actually Smeagol. Trying to look for his precious.
The footage captured by Leviathan is of some kind of night time cave dwelling humanoid. Im going to start collecting all of the videos I can find which are similar. There have been many sightings of this hairless ghoulish figure, I believe sincerely that we are seeing a separate branch of humans that only come out at night and live in our nations Forrests..
Ashy Murphy: The light is pulled by the cord at the very top of the shade, it stays level but the cord moves at an angle. A few frames after the red basket hits the wall, the 'wire' is visible above the basket top center frame. Finally the camera movements PREDICT where and when the activity will happen.
BlackStory HorrorCH: Of course they split up, it's just his mate. He never enters that room, only the hall where there is no windows (Yeah he turns 180 then right… away from the room).
Ghosts Of London: Looks like Pareidolia to me. Photos is fuzzy as hell, probably taken while the girls were stumbling around, lots of motion blur. My guess, it's the woman on the lefts hand caught midmotion when she lowered it to get slightly closer for the picture or placed her drink down.
Leviathan: 2 seconds into the clip and you can tell it's fake. They're putting on that classic horror movie breathing crap. The sound started off like the typical reverbed monster growl, then turned into a chicken and a fox. Again… just their mate, because the second night it's definitely his mate making those sounds.
Darkuraisk: Nothing paranormal here. You can hear them snickering as they run down the stairs.
I found this channel today and i already love your videos.
7. Potato quality video, not convinced this is anything other than a bug or it being staged. It came from a 'friend' uh huh… sure did mate.
6. Cuts in after the shade is swinging, that seems reasonable however you cannot tell me that isn't staged.
Convenient you cut to the right just as something moves, pulling on strings there I see.
5. Japanese ghost video, fake, SKIP!
4. Nice high definition quality photo there, bleeding, masking, fake.
3. Squatter, that is obviously a person.
2. Squatter.
1. I've reviewed this video already on another channel, I'm happy to see a 'ghost hunter' who debunks in realtime and doesn't just freak out over everything.
That picture at the end with the white shade on the outside of the window is interesting, asking for it again is 1. great evidence and 2. very suspicious regardless I like the video.