This is a true crime documentary compilation and features 6 true crime cases that have been posted on this channel long ago
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Why are the words 'raped' or sexually assulted' beeped out of your videos? Why whitewash what women go through to protect sexual predatators?
Who in the world ignores screaming in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. Incredibly weird!
Bryce was abusing uppers, did he suddenly stop taking them ? It could explain his bizarre behavior.
Hart was the killer of those poor girl scouts…PERIOD. I saw an updated story on ID channel. Testing has occurred a few times and the latest still pointed to Hart. It wasn't as 100% because of degrading samples but his DNA was the closest sample. It was disgusting that he was acquitted but he got his karma.
Denise was targeted, this should be a hate crime too. Those poor girls were left so far away with no protection. Absolutely disgusting!
What is going on with this censoring of benign words like "sexual" and "fighting" and "dying"??? IS THIS IS A TRUE CRIME CHANNEL OR NOT??? Get some " BALLS" and stand up for your 1A rights before you don't have any!!!!
Just want to say this has been my favorite channel for years now. Thanks for all the hard work that's put into each of these videos. I literally do all my cleaning listening to y'all.
More repeats
Why were the girls tents all so far apart? Wtf. When we went camping with my school in primary we were all jus 2 metres apart and were literally talkin to our mates in the next tents over all night. Were never by ourselves. Poor girls
Soooo boring
Thank goodness I never went to Camp as a child. Not even Church Camp . I’m a “ family “ girl and usually wanted to be closer to my parents, I come from a close knit family, I even got homesick after getting married. I couldn’t stand being away from my family.
This one was a hard one to watch. My heart bleeds for these beautiful children and their families.
The algorithm did me wrong for a while! So glad it brought me back around!
Finally getting to watch this, but I did want to comment that this is the first notification I've received in a loooong time. I can tell a marathon watch is overdue. So sorry you are dealing with this issue, esp. since you are very respectful, well researched and victims deserve to never be forgotten.
What if the note was just a goofy prank by kids who broke into the camp and stole the donuts, but one of the camp staff thought it made for a great alibi for they, themself, to commit the crime?
We've had an encounter with Bryce Laspisa in my county. LE was searching for him many times. This was many years ago, but it was definitely a him. He had been in our hiuse, and was staying with a family across the street from us. This was before I knew about his disappearance. His parents were up here looking and asking people about him, also to verify themselves things about him. So bizarre. I hope he's still OK. I'll never forget that face and smile. He helped me with something and I could tell he was hungry so we shared dinner with him. Venison stew I remember. I showed his photo to the people in my house and the neighbors, and they all undoubtedly are sure it was him 🤔. We did tell SO and they took the info but also told us they've had several reports from around town and were working on it. At some points, he was living in homeless camps, but he'd hide when LE came looking.
great coverage of these stories, questioning the sudden change in audio uality when it came to Amy's story. You sound like you're sitting in the bathroom 🙁