Dr. Mary Neal is a board-certified orthopaedic spine surgeon who drowned while kayaking on a South American river. She experienced life after death. She went to heaven and back, conversed with Jesus, and experienced God’s encompassing love. She was returned to Earth with some specific instructions for work she still needed to do. Her life has been one filled with miracles and the intervention of God. Her story gives reason to live by faith and is a story of hope.
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Umm..Duuuh! lol 😂
Non-Scriptural heresy! Don’t believe ONE WORD of it!!
If yer not dead your brain creates these visions. When yer dead, yer dead. Heaven and hell were invented by those scared to die.
She doesn't talk about salvation
Basically, her story like many others is not biblical. The Bible speaks of Judgment and payment for sin. The demonic doesn't always come to us in the shadows sometimes it comes in the light to deceive us. One clue that runs through most of these stories is the false narrative that God forgives unrepented sin and no one goes to Hell this should send up a warning sign to those who are taken in by these stories.
Doctor dies, talks to JFK Junior, and hears brain destroying message.
Even if you don't tell I still believe.
I also lost my granddaughter, she was shot in the chest at close range with a shot gun by her boyfriend, she was just 16. It was determined to be accidental. There were a group of friends who witnessed the incident. I was able to forgive him once I saw him in court, he was also 16 and clearly remorseful. Everyone's life change when we lost her. It is true, we are all connected by a single thread together. Trust in God and you will always be in his grace. Thanks for sharing your story. Blessings to everyone.❤
Jurgen Ziewe has much to say on this with his books and utuve videos.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
JESUS be praised!
Hallucinations occur due to low blood pressure, hypoxemia, electrolyte imbalance, seizure, anesthesia, drug ingestion, intoxication and brain trauma, amongst others.
There is no evidence of God, Satan, heaven, hell, angels, saints, demons, spirits, ghosts, spectres, souls or afterlife.
Neurocognitive scientists and critical care physicians know that death is final. Death occurs when brain function ceases. Dead is dead.
This person did not die.
This lady NEVER mentions Jesus…the interviewer says that she was held in the arms of Jesus but the lady never said that.
Also wht about everything being ONE animals, humans etc? Using the word "Spiritual truth"? These are all things common of a New Age NDE. No mention of repentance and faith in Christ? No mention of becoming a Christian either. I think that because this lady is a doctor and a scientist, that huntley road got over excited about it and wwanted it to be a "scientific proof" of heaven.
Hopefully this lady has become a Christian or will in the future.
Jesus died and rose from the dead. You however was not dead you may have been what is considered clinically dead but even that isn't dead quite. The possibility for revival is possible. Jesus however was dead for 3 days which is dead dead. Big difference. Yes I am a believer but people saying that died and came back is a falsehood you otherwise you would be jesus christ.
I can't help but wonder, and hence I need to ask, how is it that Dr. Neal's account of what she experienced in her near death experience, bears no resemblance to what we have read in the scriptures? She admitted, that prior to her near death experience, she was just a "cultural Christian". I asked because, even recently, I shared a Youtube video with my WhatsApp contacts on hell, mainly, in an affort of evangelism, especially because of the times we are in, and, especially because of New Testament scriptures, that speak about hell, damnation, and darkness….So, in biblical context, please, help us viewers to understand why this bears no resemblance. In comparison, John the Revelator, who wrote the book of Revelation, the book of Revelation bears no resemblance to Dr. Neal's account of her heavenly experience, so what should be our take away from her story?
If the Dr really died then she would not be here she would be dead, otherwise the meaning of the word death has no meaning,. Therefore she was not really dead.
No she did not!!!
She looks much better now with a lady haircut and not that short lesbian hair she used to have
You cant be serious…..
Folks never give up on Jesus he is the only way! I had a bad addiction and one night I can remember Being out of my body flying around looking at my body sleeping in bed, I thought I was in the greatest place ever! I now realize that I had died and came back to life and shortly after that my whole life changed and I quit drugs drinking and I actually read the Bible 4 times and I now live for Jesus. Do right by people and always remember you are doing for the lord when you do for others