Gavin and Ryan react to some mundane Halloween costumes from Japan.
Live comedy shows! http://tinyurl.com/CENSOREDLIVE
Ryan’s Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/ryankatsurivera
Josh from Censored’s podcast: https://gumroad.com/a/754852051/yskmk
I refuse to live another year with skyrocketing prices, jobs refusing to meet those price hikes with stagnant wages, constantly being told I’m stupid and evil for being a man or any part white, while women and marxists get celebrated for being toxic and destroying/decaying society with cultural vandalism and getting a mob shake down if anyone even dare speak up against them.
This sh*t ends right f*cking now
Seeing Gavin discover Tom Nook gave me so much joy lol.
The takeaway is to never EVER underestimate Japanese creativity. They knock it out of the park. Such fun, thanks Clip.
Alright .. if that is truly a woman dressed as someone waiting for a seat at a fast food restaurant.. that’s an amazing costume 😆
gavin likes this corny stuff because it's the kind of thing brooklyn hipsters would do in 2005 when he was still considered cool. funnily enough he hates current hipsters because they're 'woke'
Gavin's shit taste rears its ugly head again. That was the dumbest shit I ever saw.
I hate when YouTube blocks me from my pop-up ad blocker. SO now to make up what they lost in revenue it seems like they will at least cram a 3 minute ad before and after the video. So if anyone has any ad-blocker suggestions
I love you Gavin what a legend
I guess its halloweeen everyday in Japan because they all wear napkins over their faces
I'm going as Joe Biden, I ate one Chipotle Burrito earlier and plan on eating one more tonight. I washed the one down with multiple redbulls and I plan on thoroughly shitting myself all day tomorrow and I won't sleep tonight because of the caffeine, so I should appear extremely tired at work tomorrow as well as I well have my effective foreign policy strategy running down my pantlegs for the remainder of this patriotic holiday.
My very European nephew and niece will be dressed as a Red Indian and a geisha girl, i will be dressed as a Mexican and my girlfriend will black face and dress as a Rastafarian. knocking on a lefty libtards door while dressed like this is pretty much the most fun its possible to have. last year my girlfriend and i were the Red Indian and geisha girl, it was AMAZING!!
Halloween is for childish attention seekers 😂
Gavin just has a hard on for Japan & Taiwan.
"Look at these TERRIBLE costumes!" ::shows a dude walking around with an LED tv displaying an electoral map::
"Now look at these BRILLIANT costumes!….get it?! Her phone charger is too short! And gym teachers don't wear suits & ties! These are genius!"
Hearing Gavin say: "Tom Nook? Euggh!" completes me
These are just as good if not better than Adam Sandler's "Crazy Tetherball Head Guy" or "Crazy Pickle Arm Guy."
Halloween is gay unless you’re 4 then it’s fine
Last night I went to the club and I was a Jehovah witness conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil hat
I live around a lot of Asians, yea they dont have personality and theyre all the same. They also dont steal my stuff n commit violent crime so im cool with em.
Vsauces costume was shit but adorable, you should be happy that he is a proud dad despite being in the gay liberal YouTube space
There are few things more pathetic than people obsessed with their dogs. It's a cry of. "I bought into the propaganda desinged to destroy women and now I regret it." It's like adults who have kids and then all their online names are "Jake'sDad100922" of "Billy's Mom123021" or some variation of the kid's name and being their parent. We get it, before your kid came along, you had no life. Now your life is your kid and whatever he's into.