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These five videos have proven to be some of the darkest and most mysterious across all of YouTube. Today we are once again diving into the dark side of YouTube.
Thank you to @jessicur for researching chapter 4! https://www.youtube.com/@jessicur
👻 Nick and Ryan: https://www.youtube.com/@NickandRyan
📹 CrowleyTV: https://www.youtube.com/@Crowley_TV
🎡 Liminal Land: https://liminalland.net/
TOPICS EXPLORED: Officer John Nunez’s bodycam footage, unexplained dashcam footage, Mitsero Red Lake footage, Love Parade 2010 and The Paria Pipeline Incident.
Father of the People by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cy_wsDOGwI
Purify by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0fUTnNT14U
Shi by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_71LPAG7S8
Countach by White Bat Audio – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpci3Mt-aUY
Confusion by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWLsrVs26LQ&list=RDtWLsrVs26LQ&start_radio=1
The Other by Monst3r Music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGKFAXrMtbA
Patient Zero by Monst3r Music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYib2VYj_UU
Who’s There by Monst3r Music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IhTFGaLWNo
A Distant Gaze by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikOG2r59-V4
Sorrow by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNfXPOCdMyE
Aftersome by Repulsive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRsnWx0Le28
0:00 – Joy Ride
5:43 – Dash Cam
12:13 – MrBallen Podcast
13:32 – The Mitsero Red Lake
21:23 – Love Parade
28:05 – The Paria Pipeline Incident
This documentary is made for educational purposes.
Presented by Nick Crowley.
Happy Halloween 🖤🎃
Woo-hoo! A new Darkest video!!!!
I love the haunting music you use, like at the beginning of the red lake
"No one in the area was reported missing"
Literally seconds later, body found –
"She was reported missing in the area at the time of the incident"
That first sentence is the whole "mystery" behind nearly all internet mysteries – people saying things that aren't true and asserting them as fact.
That poor 1st cop.. that morons actions caused the cop unimaginable misplaced guilt and the death of a young woman.
Chris don't worry God is the judge of all. Those that did nothing will pay for their lack of care. God saved you so you could tell the whole story. That in itself was justice in a sense. Don't feel guilty you did nothing wrong by surviving jsut say thank you to God.
Those just look like rocks, not suitcases, in the red lake videos
The kid in the first story should have been arrested immediately for driving that fast through town. I’m sure the officer feels bad, but letting that kid go with a few tickets was not the right call.
I really love Me. Ballens story telling!
Man. Hearing that you're joining Ballen studios is wicked. You and John are definitely two of the best true crime story tellers out there. Can't wait to see what's to come!
why the person on the thumbnail look like sambucha
Bro. It’s ALWAYS tourists. Why is it always tourists? Don’t they have other activities they can tend to?
Spooky Halloween 👻🎃
F you paria fr like?!?!? Wtf what the actual f?? I've never been so angry about something before
if i ever wake up with superpowers the first ones i'm homelander-ing are paria execs
the delta p shit is the most terrifying shit ever
You pronounced North Bergen HORRIBLY wrong lmao
These videos were so much more disturbing and heartbreaking than your previous dark video compilations. The speeding car and the pipeline are going to stick with me for a long time.
I'm still so fucking confused about the car that sped off a cliff
My stomach started churning once I realized that was blood all over the side of the truck in the first chapter
Survivor's guilt for Chris must've been insane, hope he is doing alright
That cop needs to be charged going well over 100mph is not insignificant its a big deal.