A Magnitude 5.4 Earthquake Has Struck the Island of Jamaica, Details are Here

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An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 struck near Hope Bay, Jamaica, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said on Monday, with no immediate reports of serious damage. The Weather Network’s meteorologist Jaclyn Whittal has the details.
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  1. Major earthquakes on top of South America and Haiti getting hit continuously and unfortunately Jamaica is in the middle. The fault line runs from South America right past Jamaica to Haiti. I am in Canada and we are getting them as well. Have an eye above you in Louisanna, the Madrid fault line. It’s continent making time. Ring of fire all over the world has awoken. Black flags raised all around Israel… the Bible says when Israel is surrounded and war is declared and it has been declared Jesus is coming. They have called all in Islam to rise up everywhere. Know what allah means in Hebrew…. Rise up. So my Christian friends and Jewish friends get right with God. Repent and pray for the enemies. The end is coming. We all know it, it’s a wicked world and pity the lost souls that want to kill and destroy…. Pray for the lost that are ignorant. Their reward is eternal damnation

  2. Jamaica this is a stern warning to you to REPENT before LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and ask for Forgiveness for all of the Drug usage that occurs in your land. Ask HIM to HEAL your people from Drug use and any other Dreadful sin in your people's lives, especially in the lives of professed BELIEVERS. 2nd Chronicles, chapter 7, verse 14 in the Kings James version of the HOLY BIBLE reads: if MY people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek MY FACE AND TURN from their WICKED ways ; THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND. For anyone who has a HOLY BIBLE there are a whole list of SINS which we as humans have and do commit. And make no mistake about it GOD HATES ALL SIN if any kind and none of us is immune from SIN and SINFUL acts. We can't clean ourselves up by ourselves alone, WE need ALMIGHTY GOD and the LORD JESUS CHRIST, without HIM it can't happen people! We are in END times, the signs are showing, it's time to REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND.

  3. Bring back d u t c h s e n s e the earthquake predictor why did you turn him off? why are every one of his devices turned off ? are we full-on communists now? Or are we still in the soft calming stage of communism?

  4. All 14 parishes in Jamaica have a fault line running through them so an earthquake can start from anywhere on the island. In the event of an earthquake, pull over and stop if it occurs while you are driving. If you are in bed, turn face down and use a pillow to support your head and neck. If you're outside, keep away from buildings. Stay indoors, do not run outside, and stay away from doorways if you are already inside.

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