Elephants 101 | Nat Geo Wild

Elephants 101 | Nat Geo Wild
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As the world’s largest land mammal, elephants have quite the commanding presence. But did you know elephants can’t jump? Or that baby elephants lose their first set of teeth and tusks, just like humans? Learn about both Asian and African elephants and the threats facing these highly intelligent animals today.
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Elephants 101 | Nat Geo Wild

Nat Geo Wild


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About the Author: Nat Geo WILD


  1. Thank you for making a video that is so informative, great images- especially of the elephant swimming and it's feet. Also is conservation enough for a class of youngsters. Most of the other videos I've come across have an annoying narrator voice and the males have obvious privates. I'd rather not be the one to open that discussion with other people's kiddos. Thanks!! Great video!!

  2. We as Humana’s need to start putting poachers away for life, that mite help scare them from killing them for there tusks. We are the only species that are not needed to keep the eco system going. Sad to say it’s true. We’re like a tumor that feeds off everything

  3. I learned it takes a lot of food to sustain their size and that like most animals they are vegetarian, "I have known my whole life that predators don't like to eat meat, they have too!"

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