00:00:00 – How The Philippines Is Ruining China’s Plans To Conquer Taiwan
00:19:24 – Real Reason Why China’s Invasion of Taiwan Will FAIL
00:34:58 – What if China Launched an Attack on USA
055:38 – These Countries Will Be Destroyed in World War 3
01:14:29 – China’s Insane World War 3 Plan
01:45:52 – US Navy’s Plan to Defeat China in War
02:07:53 – Could US Military Take on China (China vs United States – Who Would Win)
02:08:26 – Why North Korea Is Impossible to Invade
02:42:50 -Why Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine is a Disaster for China
😂🤣😂 Really……
Ya ok lol If China wanted Taiwan it would be done.. They are just waiting for them to elect a Pro China Government.. Its coming soon
PBBM agreement with US EDCA & G7 alliance cooperation provide the interlocking island chain that may denies China access to China Sea marginalized arm of West Pacific Ocean. Mavulis Island (Phils) is between the Bashi Channel waterway and Orchids Island (Taiwan) will be a Choke point for China that will give a very difficult position for China to invade Taiwan. Besides, the geographic features of China is only China Sea surrounded by island chain composed of South China Sea (Southeast Asia) blocked by the Phils between South China Sea and West Pacific Ocean in the middle (1st island chain), Yellow Sea (No. & South Korea) and East China Sea (Japan 2nd island chain). Making the exit of china to waterway congested (besieged) that will reduces military armed forces trapped & combat armed forces pinned down, easy prey for ambush and utmost obstacles @ marginalized China Sea arm of West Pacific Ocean under the cooperation of US allied forces. The world is mad to China due to undermining South China freedom of navigation connecting the major supply chain in Southeast Asia & other parts of the world because of china created a hotspot tension in the region commenced special military operation that places a blockade of armada of battleship, PLA militia and China Coast Guard harrassing ocean going vessel & building island naval bases along with invading the island inside the EEZ border of all states bordering the South China Sea.
Very entertaining. U use the same "videos/pictures" bits but not overly used throughout the information given. Very well done. I find it fascinating how u are able to flawlessly produce such great videos
Lets not forget Japan as it was the emperor of Japan that gave Famosa (Taiwan)to the Taiwanese people and Japan has a joint defense agreement with Taiwan because of that.
Let's not challenge Ch/ina to try to inv/ade ta;iwan. They might have amore advance tech than U'/S.
The Philippines is composed of over 7000 islands. And many islands are relatively big. China won't have enough missiles to cover even just the main island of Luzon.
Current Japan PM, Fumiyo Kishida just concluded his state visit to the Philippines.
Why isnt USA PRODUCING semi conductors.
They kicked out Original government of china and cast them out to taiwan! Now they want them back? Original culture of china is taiwan and now they want to squash them.!
I wonder how much Duterte made off his friendliness with China!
I hope this time all the military personnel will keep their pants on and not leave 50,000 children without fathers! They must make fathers responsible for their kids using DNA testing!
to live and die to defend the country where i came from if attack by china.
To the final question: Imminent. The US can't risk the Chinese gaining that much power over the region and access to the Pacific. Like the Ukraine communist countries seem to be able to weather the storm of war. I think this is due to the selfishness of free countries, we are able to have an opinion that is anti war instead of looking after our national interests. The citizens of a communist country is solely towards national interests. Look at the Republican party, their sole objective is to create chaos within the nation, how are we supposed to count on them to look after our national interests?
Yes America is 100% welcome in the phil no other country is important to us only the amrecans.we dont need china at all only maodigs do due to his own personal interest to china,duterte has no right to dictate the filipino people to go with him to china.we oppost chinese in our country.
Thank You PHILIPpines
There are 9 American military bases in the
.. Harris Ng YM
🔥🇱🇷☠️. 👍🇨🇳👪
the american empire is already in decline stop dreaming…
In the Bible dragon (China) is Evil