Ghost walks next to me while i am praying, i didn’t see it even though i looked in that direction a couple of times. I can’t work out if thats a good or bad one as it appears to put its hand over my head during praying. The noise that woke me up was horrible, its always intense when multiple noises are going on. I do the sleepwalking thing again, this time i draw the same symbols as before on a piece of paper. More convinced than ever it means somthing.
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##### These are our personal experiences living in a haunted house. I am not nor have i ever claimed to be an expert on the paranormal. We film and publish our footage on YouTube, what you choose to make of it/believe is ultimately down to you. #####
#ghosts #paranormal
I know I'm late to the video Lee, but I still believe what you wrote on the paper is a demon Sigil. Worth looking them up.
Hey lee hope you doing better man, the “good spirit” said before that theres more like “us” out there in space, and they might be pointing out where the next planet is. Just a thought. Cheers from CA, USA
Cold spots mean human spirit. Hot areas means non-human. Demon, devil,….could be anything.
Could you see the dark shadow?
❤ be careful lee……and stay strong for you and your family ….absolute warrior ❤
Demon orb on floor @3:59
It looks like its gliding on the floor towards the purple spirit.
Have you tried putting blessed Holy Water in your paints and repaint your walls to stop anything coming through or manifesting in your walls?
You and your family stay safe and blessed.
Hi Lee hope you’re doing well pal. The drawings of the circles could be something to do with the “Tree of Life” symbol. Google it. Take care.
bruh, you have GOT TO STOP PUSHING THIS, you are being controlled brother please stop!
I think that shadow is "mocking" you…??
Lee, are you saying when the banging starts, you cant actually hear where its coming from???
Where is the tapping coming from? Also, there's a blur on the wall where shadow was. Like a portal.
God is so much bigger and stronger…keep praying my friend…God will protect you…
I've been reading comments ppl were telling you that you should move….well that would be nice but some ppl can't just pick up and go…especially if your paying a mortgage…this isn't a good time to be selling..not with everything that's going on… it looks as if America and England will be once again going to war….(with countries we shouldn't be messing with)…so no right now isn't a good time to sell.. or move ..if you can help it…. I will keep you and your family in my prayers..stay safe
I also realize it’s just a movie but for me it sheds a lot of light on to what we may not know and how we may perceive it different
I know you’ve tried before but maybe if it’s direct empathy?
Have you ever watched “Dracula Untold”? Maybe you could try to have empathy and come to him in a different demeanor sometimes all “people” need is someone to try and understand them? Idk just a thought
4:05 on the time clock there is a weird black thing that goes across your floor beside you! WTF. How do you cope with this Lee? By the way, do your neighbors hear all of the banging? Do they complain? Im going to pray for you and yours tonight!
Hi Lee. I'm jumping back to all the strange patterns you've been making while not yourself. Please, please have a look at angel sigils. I thought, like many they were stellar in origins, but please check out to see if any are close to angel sigils. If any are close to matching, I think you may have some answers . Let me know what you think xxxxx❤❤❤❤
Hi Lee 👋 the footage you capture is phenomenal 👏 however you need to get rid. I've read in one in the comments someone's dad is able to assist as he to has the gift…. please accept help. I feel for Stacey. How long does SHE have to watch her husband go through this….its so very sad 😥
When you were looking towards your right hand side, there was a tall stick figure that bodly walked right up to you & touched the side of your head. What freaked me out was your immediate response to it touching you like a fly had landed there! 😮HOLY.UNDERWEAR.BATMAN!!!