Sometimes, animals get into such terrible situations that they have no choice but to turn to humans for help! And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a harmless kitten or a huge predator, every creature deserves to live. Today we’re showing you the most incredible moments when animals asked people for help and their fate changed forever!
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How does one know when a wild animal is starving or hungry?
that was in fact a whale shark not a tiger shark 😂❤
I was swimming in a public pool once. I saw a big bee in the water drowning. I was deathly afraid of bees nut some how I couldn't leave it to die. I had nothing I could scoop her up on so I took a big chance and put my finger under her and lifted her out of the water. I carefully walked her over to the edge, got out and walked her to a shaded isolated part in the grass so she could dry out safely. This took almost 5 minutes. But that whole time she sat calmly and never stung me. After that I wasn't afraid of bees.
I’ve rescued an animal once; a cat.
Basically one day me, my sister, and my mother had heard screams of like a bird or a cat, it sounded more like a cat.
We couldn’t explore because we didn’t know where it was and if it was something else either than a bird or a cat, however, 2 days later. A tiny grey and white cat showed up, my dad got her, fed her and my sister gave her a bath, than she got given away to another person that my father knew, she was so tiny the name she had was; itsy. Mostly because how tiny she was but we nicknamed her “itsy bitsy” because of her size 😅.
Ive rescsued a cat from under a car like that lynx, I thought it wasnt a lynx though, and i wanted to adopt it but we couldnt, bc it was a baby lynx.
A LYNX!? I LOVE THEM MORE THAN TIGERS!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😢😊
My cat puked yesterday and after she was begging for a drink. (Proppelly from the horrible taste)❤😂😢😮😅😊
Bro amagine being SURROUNDED BY A PACK OF WOLVES AND they JUST wanted a drink, its kind to help them but HORRIFYING.
I hate people that put their pets on the streets if they don’t what it anymore
I mean just give it to someone that what’s a pet like a cat or a dog😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
I saved a baby squirrel, it was on the road and it was gonna get killed by a car so I ran and picked it up and ran I showed my mom and she took pictures me and my friends loved him but I let him go and he looked back at me then ran
So one time my family and me were driving and we found this little baby deer on the side of the road and saw my dad but it was hurt I’m the left leg so we just took it home and we fixed it up give it a little bath and then we send it off to the what’s the name of them again animal shelter so they could take care of the little deer and don’t worry we did not take it from its mom we looked around for tomorrow but the mom is nowhere in sight
my dog is getting surgery in a few days
i love animals
To be fair, that's just karma for the boa constrictor.
I think the”tiger shark “ was a baby whale shark 😅
Human can be a God for animals.
8:30 is NOT a tiger shark…cmon u cant be that dumb…its called a WHALE SHARK hence its giant size bro…