Hello everyone, I have been involved in stray dog rescue for many years, and I have always provided public welfare assistance at my own expense. Caring for stray animals, caring for every life that should not be given up, I hope everyone can subscribe, like, share and support us, so that we will have more confidence to continue to rescue dogs in need
#straydog #rescue #dog
We also hope that through our videos, more people can pay attention to these poor lives and participate in our actions
#straydogs #rescue #dog “We have taken various steps to ensure that the video content is consistent with animal welfare and does not lead to any instances of cruelty.”
【Rescue the stray dog soaked in the water, it can't hold it anymore (compilation)】https://youtu.be/JkUzI1ohc5U
Oh, angel, I'm so sorry…!!!!❤❤❤
God bless this special dog & the ones that saved him ❤
😢😢😢 gracias por ayudarle ayudarle bendiciones gracias ❤❤bendiciones
A n d??? Where's the rest of the story??
povero amore, quanto male hai sopportato. Adesso meriti una vita felice. Ti faccio tanti tanti auguri di continuare la tua vita circondato da tutto l'amore che ti è mancato prima
So ein armes zwergelchen,wer muted diesem süssen hundchen solche qualen zu,es ist einfach ein verbrechen ein tier so leiden zu lassen!!!
Salvo o pet socorroooooo salvo obrigada 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷✨✨💫⭐☀️🌞🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Please rescue dog as much as quick safety place and proper meal with lovely people 💞 Thank you very much.God bless you and yours 💖🙏. Darling don't give up some Engel help you with love 💟
How is this baby now!??
Where is this and is he a male my sister's dog ran out of the yard and has been missing
Grazie grazie grazie!!! Lo hai curato e poi salvato, sei una buona persona😮😮😮
Thank 😢you so much ❤
Mil gracias 🙏🙏🙏