Milan Flooding today | Allagamenti Milano Allagata oggi
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Maltempo, nubifragio su Milano. Esonda il Seveso: strade allagate e traffico in tilt. Nella notte forti piogge hanno colpito il capoluogo lombardo e la Brianza. Il fiume Seveso ha superato gli argini provocando allagamenti. Chiuse alcune strade e alcune fermate della metropolitana, con grossi disagi per la circolazione e i pendolari. Intense raffiche di vento
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Further heavy rain is expected on Thursday as Storm Ciarán arrives.
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FISH-TV will present natural disasters in all parts of the world that affect people’s lives about earthquake, flood, floods, flash flood, flooding, wild fire, fire, tropical storm, natural disasters, desastres naturales, snow storm, natural disaster, heavy rain, storm winds, tornado, weather today, mud flood, extreme weather, severe weather, storm chaser, climate change, typhoon, storm, hail storm, hailstorm, tide wave, hurricane, volcano live, live volcano, storm, volcano eruption, tsunami, blizzard, landslide, storm surge, tsunami, snowfall, blizzard, flood news today, natural disasters caught on camera, Russia Ukraine war, unwetter, Maltempo oggi, storm chasers live now, live cam
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We just came home from Milan, Italy two days ago, on 29th Oct. I am stunned. I pray for the people there, I hope they can recover well from this. 🙏