15 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

15 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..
Spread The Viralist

15 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

ONE HOUR Of Karens Who Got OWNED!

1 HOUR Karens Getting What They DESERVED…

1 HOUR Karens Getting What They DESERVED… #2

1 HOUR Karens Getting What They DESERVED… #3

#karen #karens #karensinthewild


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About the Author: Public Freakout Videos


  1. I don’t think the women in the first video yelling “white trash” and “racist” really needed that motorized cart . Once a victim always a victim . What a Heffer

  2. 1:18 Yeah I have a great Idea, maybe just give her the god damn receipt which is i dont know what she has the right to get anyway?
    Or maybe show the entire clip because I dont know what caused this.

  3. I get the frustration of the peoplr fr the flight.

    If its delayed. Then cancelled.
    U have cost the people transportation costs both sides, their ahead plans cost, and maybe much more. It is harrasment.

    So i get the anger completely. It is negligence and people can sue for this

  4. Random fact tho- Africans never agreed upon being black. That’s just the title the Dutch, Portuguese, and whatever other state that was involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade decided to call them. So although it is a way they’re referred to in this time it is more respectful to call them Africans and not black.

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