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About the Author: Crime News


  1. So many here are posting about parents killing their kids. Those parents are pure evil. I'm amazed at how many kids are killing their parent(s). Guess the 5th commandment didn't hold much sway in their lives.

  2. it blows my mind how I get rejected from adoption solely on the fact iโ€™m single and these monsters get to have children. I make a great living and canโ€™t have children. These people have twins, or children. In prison they will get their biscuits.

  3. There has been a few murders in durant Oklahoma im 37 now and the earliest one can remember is when I was maybe 7 my 2nd uncle was shot in a parking lot and most recently a friend of mine was burned up while he slept and bunch in between u should do some videos bout all them

  4. This channel puts a whole new light on the "statistics " you read regarding murders. Especially, just how many children are murdered at the hands of their parents. It's really sad and shocking.

  5. HOLY SHEEIT!! ol Pennie Marie Ince looks like she's got some REAL HARD in town miles on her…imagine waking up after a night out with THAT next to ya sayin, "mornin skipper, you sure dove your submarine deep in my trench last night! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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