Little dog underwent three surgeries to remove the massive mass #pawsinneed #animals #dog #pets

Little dog underwent three surgeries to remove the massive mass #pawsinneed #animals #dog #pets
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She underwent three surgeries on day 6. The surgeries are sterilization, remedy of umbilical hernia, and removal of neoplastic formation of the left breast chain under inhalation anesthesia. The next day after surgery, she is doing great and eating well. It’s heavier than her than her weight.

Feny deserves much better and she will never go suffering again. She’s so sweet and she trusts again. We love you, Feny. Huge thanks to the amazing vet for giving her a second chance. We’re so grateful for every donation to support her medical costs.

Amazing Dog Rescue Stories:

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Special thanks to
Kola Kariola
Love animal please pass it on #PawsInNeed #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy #shorts


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About the Author: Paws In Need


  1. Allahimiza sukurler olsun kurtuldu o aci veren kutleden onu bulup hayata donduren vicdanli 😢😢😢😢❤kalbe binlerce kez tesekkurler Allah razı olsun sizden veterinerdeki emegi gecen herkezin allah rizgini bol tutsun saglikli ve mutlu yasasin turkiyeden sevgiler

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