Angry Hippos Fight for Mate | Nature’s Great Events | BBC Earth

Angry Hippos Fight for Mate | Nature's Great Events | BBC Earth
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When the dominant male hippo faces a contender to his crown, there is only one option left….fight!

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  1. こんな怪物相手にしたらグリズリーでもライオンでも頭粉砕されちまうよ。


  2. The hippopotamus is the world's deadliest land mammal, according to BBC. They kill roughly 500 people every year, which is twice as many as lions kill and almost 20 times as many as cougars kill.

  3. Their sheer size tells you who the bulls are. The ladies just sit in the water and chill while the boys fight.
    The object of the fight is for one to get his jaws on the upper jaw of his opponent and clamp down his 2000 pounds of pure thrust behind that bite (the winner accomplishes that at 1:24) Sometimes the other one doesn't survive.

  4. Hippos are angry and they are dangerous when they get super angry. Animals have emotions like everyone else. They are cute but they can kill with their tusks and they are killers and the mother hippos are protective of their children. That's why I respect Nature so much they are more better than humans.

  5. When your messing around with the girl and it looks like this. I pulled it up when we're messing around didn't know it had a narration and was mating ritual lol!

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