Beast – Brutal Lion Fight: Nate (Idris Elba) leads the lion into another lion pride’s territory.
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Idris Elba (Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, The Suicide Squad) stars in a pulse-pounding new thriller about a father and his two teenage daughters who find themselves hunted by a massive rogue lion intent on proving that the savannah has but one apex predator. Elba plays Dr. Nate Daniels, a recently widowed husband who returns to South Africa, where he first met his wife, on a long-planned trip with their daughters to a game reserve managed by Martin Battles (Sharlto Copley, Russian Doll series, Maleficent), an old family friend and wildlife biologist. But what begins as a journey of healing jolts into a fearsome fight for survival when a lion, a survivor of blood-thirsty poachers who now sees all humans as the enemy, begins stalking them.
TM & © Universal Pictures (2022)
Cast: Idris Elba
Director: Baltasar Kormákur
Producer: Baltasar Kormákur
Screenwriter: Ryan Engle
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They got the worng CGI, a lion would go for the neck and game over, they should put a bear in there, would match the movements.
I was hoping they would.not fight because i hate when animals or humans get attacked so yeh
0:20 если по правде, то всё закончилось бы в этом месте))
The man was pretty strong
How could you forget to add in some blood to make it look more realistic..
Such brilliant scene add in blood makes it even better
How Lion King would look like in real life=
Mark wood you obviously never heard the story of the ghost in the darkness when the lions were torturing an killing ppl for fun
I know some people might find movies about deadly animal attack obvious and boring for the modern day but even though I find this movie have some flaws it's still ok for me.
I thought the movie was entertaining but that is so unrealistic. Even if the lion didn’t go for the throat all those lacerations would have torn several of his tendons and ligaments he would have bled out pretty fast
1:45 ENOUGH!!!!!
Knuckles VS Scar
That was a brutal fight against the lion. This was one of my favorite scenes, especially when the lion-brothers saved Nate since I believe that the lion-brothers must've sensed some sort of 'kinship' as well as familiarity with Nate: that Nate was willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect his family, just like how the male lions would, and that the lion-brothers must have caught Martin's scent on Nate as well as the rogue-lion. Bottom line, I believe that the lion-brothers did a 'mercy'-kill to that rogue lion.
I Love how simba and Mufasa Put up a good fight against Scwr
Guys go on 1:47 2 lions are helping the man the lions wants destroy evil lion
Damn that guy put up one hell of a fight. I'm surprised that he lasted that long honestly against the king of the jungle
this was a good movie, but man did they all make some unGoldy dumb decisions all through it, and the lion was to over powered lol. I am sorry but, aint no lion going to survive being blown up like that with a couple little scratches on it.
He was now accepted as part of the tribe
Kia jhatu sher bnega re tu😂😂
Love this movie
0:07 Draw attention
1:45 Kuda: STOP!!!!!
Kawe: That's enough!
i mean, i know its just amovie and all, but no lion ever doesnt go for the neck. theyre not bears where they just maul you.
Movie name plz
Lion bite again and again and again….this is not really what should be happens in real life, one bite of a male lion crushing bone or whorse one bite in the nick it s over
The only gripe I have is that Nate should be more torn up and bloody. That was a huge misfire especially as its broad daylight. We can see he’s not getting as injured as he should be.
What's the name of the movie please
And why is he still even alive?!?! Not happy with that.
To kill a lion, a spear is the bare minimum weapon to be wielded. Swords and knives are too short ranged for the quick strikes of the lion
Personally I would have liked Idris to wear some kind of helmet, to justify a bit that the lion didn't bite his neck.
Another Hollywood bullshit. In nature a predator, having knocked down a prey, will not bite it's legs.
good scene. the lion is clearly domesticated by hollywood, cuz a real wild one would go for his throat first big time, not "kissing" his waist and legs. but very exciting indeed
Great scene n movie enjoyed it
Idris was not saved by the ghost & the dark but by Bwana Devils.
Some think it was Alex and his Father from Madagascar.
Others tell it was Simba & Kyle.
Their guess is as good as mine.
How did the lion find them 😊
Would have been a different fight if he had his Black Superman tech from Hobbs and Shaw movie. 😁
Its like Simba and Mufasa protecting a human from Scar