Heists, gambling, fishlish, and more as Baradun and the dickheads continue their mischief on the Thilivern islands.
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@1:10:50 Bob, the proud father of a horrible little monster. 😊😂😂😂😂😂
Love when y’all add a new compilation, cuz then I start from the very beginning at watch them all again! Fkn love you guys, and Rob is crazy talented on so many levels.
Been waiting got this!!! Time to binge from the beginning of the campaign for the 10th time!!
If you don't watch these episodes in CC you should. So funny
Personally like these because i watch the entire series every few months and its a blast, thank you!
This is what I've been waiting for for so long!
What's wrong with Straya Greg, huh? I'm Strayan and it's bloody beautiful here!!
Really wanted the “can get god to do anything” power to be used to get the doll out
Wait why is there a hiatuses?
I'm loving these long episodes I can turn them on and just watch all day
Oh no. I was hyped that a new episode came out but its just a supercut.
It's my headcanon that Baradun gets excited over modes of transportation because he spent so long just being able to teleport everywhere.
Bob eats gold because it makes his dookie twinkle. That's some baller ass shit.
This reminds me of ep 13 at 2:22 – 2:33 when vanessa punched bodger.
After all, it is cannon that baradun is holding back from punching bodger in the face this whole time. And that is finally happening in this ep. lol
thay all look sleep diprived
Dude, I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate Viva. Y’all have pulled me out of the worst moods, and turned so many bad days around. Thank you for all the hard work! 🙏🏻💜
Almost just want to save watching them till these compilations! Of course i am hooked so i wont, but SO nice to watch the table uninterupted. Also best way to make my work day go just so fast and easy
18:34 – That's some serious foreshadowing right there.
The amount of entitlement in this comment section is wild. They had a break in and sometimes life happens. Stop crying you didn’t get your free content fast enough.
Can't believe I waited a week for a compilation video of episodes I've already seen…
Why does the thumbnail looks like Greg is experiencing Wild Surge? He should take his advice.
Love these compilations so much. I’ve been waiting for this one for ages. Keep up the great work! Y’all are incredible.
Well done this video will be viral pinned
I completely understand the need to take breaks but I really look forward to Thursday nights because of you guys. So I guess what I’m saying is that a heads up the week before that there won’t be a new episode next week, would be greatly appreciated so I don’t have my hopes up all week only to get disappointed. 😢
Thanks for the laughs- you guys are awesome.
This super cut will complete my 2nd watch through of the series. 🙏
Two compilations in one week? I feel cheated! What do I pay my $0.00 a month for?
I hope that Sandra becomes Ben’s back up character instead of alfie
Little did Greg know, that Straya being Canon actually increased the Australian viewer base
Great Work. love the series and all the hard work you do. sorry to hear about the break in at the studio. this compilation is more than enough of a gift to hold me over.
What is the point of releasing compilations on Thursday when it’s just repeats? Kinda feel cheated.
Noooooooooooooooo new episode 😢
I wait for the new episodes like its broadcast tv in the 90s.
I want a super cut of just the green screen stuff. It’d make no sense and be hilarious
"This is stupid. You lost a follower. I thought we were getting more content"
Even though they didn't tell us they were robbed…so what? They make us amazing content and did 2 one shots recently. Even during October they were giving us 2 a week. They could've just done the one shot, but didn't.
Plus I don't know why yall are like this. I binge the other compilations often. This is just another one to the list.
I assume the team's on holiday. Enjoy your well deserved time off everyone!
Ahhhhhh my preciousss
I’ll give it a like as usual but I probably won’t watch it as I’ve rewatched the last 5 at least 6 times in anticipation 😂
Update: I watched it
Nice, a comp to binge on at work! 😀
I have been waiting for this for a long time i stopped at supercut 11, (i like to binge the episodes) so the long await better be worth it and it always is!
Wheres my Thursday fix !!! I am shocked and appalled.
No new episode? But you have the tavern now? Promises of consistency were made. And are you really still limited to a half hour once a week? Can't you record a bit more often now that you have your own set? Maybe have 45 minute or hour long episodes once a week?
And green screen time can be cut down and it won't make a difference.
well let's have fun rewatching this a bit slowly overtime