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  1. I identify with this guy so much lol, I'm just as clueless with so many normal life affairs. I literally never answer the front door in case the person calling has a question I won't know the answer to. If I'm the only one in the house I'm just like "Well, I hope that's not an important call." If I lose my family I'll be homeless and destitute within 30 seconds.

  2. It's a great comedian who can make you laugh every 10 seconds and doesn't default to swear words or making everything about sex like many do today. I'm no prude but it's gotten out of hand in my opinion. Nate is at the top of his craft. It's hard to watch most of his peers with a mixed audience or kids in the room. But this man is a welcome breath of fresh air — and destined for big things. Inimitable style all his own. I'm hooked.

  3. Lovely! This is how you bring out the ridiculousness of gender specific roles😂 i am the WOman of the house and take care of bills and such tasks. I also look after the kitchen. The man of my house cooks. As well as pays bills, takes care of such things.

  4. I got 2 parents who did construction and I studied construction and real estate…my husband lost his dad young sadly…most of the manly stuff he's learned he's learned it from me 😅 and I'm grateful cause he can do all the stuff im too weak to do lol (im very small)

  5. He lives in a neighborhood where people give a shit about which gender mowes?

    Is this like a June Cleaver neighborhood or some Deep South Baptist community cul-de-sac?

  6. This sorta happened to me on my job, I am a male nurse and a female surgeon asked me to go with her to be a witness to her getting consent for the surgery. After 10 minutes of patiently explaining the procedure , the patient turns to me and said “ what do you think doctor about the nurse just said.” The surgeons face turned beet red and I had to bite my lip from laughing.

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