The finale left us feeling pretty damn exhausted and at a loss for words, even though we desperately tried to find them during the discussion lol. In the end it was all about the journey these characters went on, and the life they lived. We are so happy we got to experience it with you all!
00:00 Intro
04:18 Reaction
39:05 Discussion
01:05:18 Danish Word of the Day
Remember this is not a substitute for watching the actual show. If you haven’t seen it, please do so and then come back to the video afterwards.
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#attackontitan #finale #reaction #shingekinokyojin #review #aot
We seriously can't believe the series is over. What did you all think of the finale? Let us know in the comments!
A big thank you to everyone who joined us on this journey, AoT will always have a very special place in our hearts.
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Danish word of the day:
Okapi is a Cart Titan obviously, someone tell me different.
Just now I realize that "Falco" (hawk) is actually nomen-omen… a foreshadowing through the name. And I'm italian so I should have known 😁
In regards to the very last scene, all I can say is that all of this has happened before and all of this shall happen again.
39:30 What's the freaking point of all? Eren succeed to vanished all Titans power and achieve the peace he wants for his friends and family. That ending new Civilization over thousand years, it's not about for Eren anymore but atleast he did thousand of years of peace. In reality every Hundred years there is a War, then what's the point of questioning/wondering about it?
50:00 "fighting for peace and prosperity"
I think this, along with an earlier comment of "everyone may be fighting for what they believe is right", sums it up concerning the problem of "why do people keep fighting?". Especially nowadays, with the dangerous idea of personal "truths", anyone can be twisted enough into thinking any of their beliefs and ideas are justified and correct. In the world of nihilists as well, where everything is meaningless, there is the birth of brutal, violent, terrifying people who do what they want without remorse since nothing matters in the end and humans are just "terrible" in general.
Either there is absolute truth or there isn't. Either things have meaning or they don't.
What was the point, you ask? I believe Isamaya is deliberately telling us that there was no point. That the titans were not the problem all along. It was always the evil in humans in power.. Or maybe it is the power that corrupts people somehow. With this story coming from Japan, every nuclear explosion of the colossal titan reminds me that this is not really fiction or a pessimistic, tragic tale.. it's a very realistic reflection of the world we live in.
That being said, the reason Eren did this is to grant his friends and people a relatively peaceful life (there is no absolute peace to seek for anyway), and more importantly, a normal life without titans, without children eating their parents only to live 13 years and perish. That was the cycle that Eren wanted to end. No one knows if it's about to start again, but that's not on Eren, he did end Ymir's curse.. He did his part. The rest was on humanity, and humanity failed, as expected.
As both Pixis and Erwin said: Humans will fight one another until ther is only one last person standing
I kinda expected the danish word to be despair! Thank you for your reactions you two. I agree, the baby scene was unfair. All the best!
He just wanted his friends to be live long and he succeeded
I thought the animation in general was fine — really spectacular in parts, actually — but I did feel like some of the character models were off in parts. The Scout Ymir in the paths did not look like Ymir: too skinny, and her hair seemed tied back which she never did while alive. Pieck didn't look like herself in that boat scene. Historia barely looked like Historia. In the brief flashback to Eren's birth, Carla looked more like Mikasa, which was very off-putting. And in particular that shot of Mikasa as she's beheading Eren — the one that appears in almost every thumbnail for reaction videos of this finale — looks very off to me, more like a fandom drawing of Mikasa than her canonical appearance in this season. That's the one that bugs me the most. Oh, and all the scenes of the ghosts: Erwin, Hange, Sasha, and the rest. It seems that WIT had more trouble with characters that didn't appear much in S4.
I believe that, while Eren was a slave to destiny, he was not without fault. If it is as he says, that no matter what he does, the outcome would have always been the same, he was still the pivotal actor that enabled the Rumbling. He accepted that destiny, and I think he did it because it was because of the clear vision of his friends remaining alive should he choose to follow destiny.
He could have easily tried to wash his hands. Do everything opposite of the visions even if the 80% genocide would still happen, but if he were to do so, he wouldn't be sure if his friends would make it out alive in a timeline like that. He even says that all he knows is that he did attempt a 100% genocide, but fate dictated that he will only get 80%. I think he just followed through with the visions because it was the safest play for his friends.
That nuke scene happens around 2.000 years into the future (if we take into consideration the credits theme song titled "To You 2000 years or Maybe 20000 Years Into the Future"). Eren was never written to be a perfect character or a genius, let alone his "plan" for peace. We should consider that World War II happened just 80 years ago and we are at the brink of another global conflict. The message is clear: we should live each day the best we can while peace still lasts.
the point is the war will never end until there is only one human left
It's been a journey with you guys.
This anime being fiction is too real. And that's what throws people off when watching sometimes hehe.
the characters are unique and realistic kind of. theyre complicated and yet simple.
Some people have posted behind-the-scenes footage of this final episode, which was broadcast on NHK TV, with subtitles, so please take a look.
I'll post the title so please try searching.
Please enjoy the highly accomplished work of the voice actors.
→ Ending the 10 Years Recording | Attack on Titan Final Behind the Scenes [Eng Sub]
I think you're right on the animation quality… I noticed their faces especially
Isayama rushed it at the end because he wanted get over with it asap quoted by himself in an interview. The anime does justice to the original manga. Some dialogue and art in the end is changed little by isayama himself. Even I thought at the end the character animation was little off it might because they focused mostly on the action part and handed the epilogue to some interns😅
Thank you for loving AOT.
I believe that the boy and dog at the end will not become giants and will not repeat the tragedy.
I'm sending this song to you.
Ai Higuchi ‘Akuma no Ko’
An iron bullet is proof of justice.
Whenever I shot I became closer to the hero.
If you close your eyes and touch it,
The evil who has the same body and the same temperature.
Am I not good enough and is he better for you?
There was just a wall.
Don’t cry about the destiny we were born with.
Cause we are all free.
If we have wings like birds,
We could go anywhere.
If we don’t have a place to return to,
We might not be able to go anywhere.
I don’t want to just live.
This world is cruel but I still love you.
Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect you.
Even if this is a mistake, I don’t doubt it.
What is right is believing in myself strongly.
The scene of the rain of iron falling.
It was on the TV, which looks like a movie.
War is a stupid violence.
It’s the story of an unrelated and unknown country.
Then why do I hate him,
The reason why I can’t hide my dark feelings,
I can’t even explain why.
How come we are full of contradictions?
Once this word is translated,
The real meaning won’t be understood.
What I believe is, when opening your eyes,
Only the world you touch.
I don’t want to just live.
This world is cruel but I still love you.
Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect you.
The shadow of the person whom I chose, the corpse of what I threw.
I noticed that what is growing inside me is the child of evil.
Behind justice, inside of sacrifice, there is a child of evil inside my heart.
I understand having frustrations about the titan cycle continuing, but it would make sense for that blue parasite creature to escape into Eren's head or something. Then, where his head was buried is where it lay dormant for thousands of years for the new guy to find it. The point Eren did it all for was to give his loved ones a world without Titans, and that's enough for me because the characters we followed had a happy ending. Therefore, I believe the integrity of the story remains intact. Conflict is in our DNA as humans, and that human nature is why the cycle of violence, and therefore the cycle of titans in this world, continues.
"Humans will continue to fight one another until the day there is one human or less."
Erwin knew the answer to the question before all the drama.
Eren's actions would never stop conflict his goals were:
1. For Mikasa, Armin, and the rest of his friends who made it to live long lives after. They did.
2. For that to happen, Eren had to end the power of the Titans. He did.
3. For that to happen, he had to liberate Ymir for Hell, of her own making, and to destroy the Hallucigenia parasite that was not willing to let go.
4. Unfortunately for that to happen, to liberate one soul from Hell, and save countless others after from Titans at least, 80 percent of humanity had to die. That path is what led to the outcomes Eren seeked. The future and past exist simultaneously while affecting each other, it was not a line of time where Eren could avoid a farther point down the line.
It is deterministic, but at the same time the intentions of each individuals shaped that destiny.
The parasite at the end likely won't lead to the same horror of the Titans. Like many end "prizes" or goals in many fictional shows and movies and stories, the final power grants the users their innermost wishes, their subconscious desires. The parasite granted Ymir power not to die, but at the same time she wanted to die to be free of what attached her to King Fritz. And she sought connection, to her daughters, to her people and descendants down the generations.
The young boy/girl at the end, calmly exploring with a gentle dog, instead of being chased for his life by rabid mad dogs, they will likely encounter and manifest a very different kind of power inside the tree. PERHAPS SOMETHING THAT WILL RESULT IN PEACE, finally, after eons, the opposite of the horror of the Titans.
Great reaction. At the end the bird picked up a piece of the scarf and wrapped kt around her again. It didnt try to take if off lol alot of reactors think it tried to tho lmao. Also eren couldnt prevent the rumbling because everytime he tried to go a different path it someway or other put him back the path to do it because it was already determined in the future.
Most of the reactors misunderstand but the bird at the end is possibly the reincarnation of Eren. It didn't try to get the scarf away but wrapped it around Mikasa!
Eren did put an end (temporary?) to the Titan curse, allowed himself/Ymir to rest in peace, and enabled his friends to live out their lives, but that's it. In terms of breaking the cycle of violence, not even close. Eren dumped a bunch of oil on the fire and made it all worse. That's all he achieved. Apparently, as predicted, that eventually brought the end to Paradis.
I have to say, the series was phenomenal. What a journey that was! I found Eren incredibly frustrating as a character. Unbearable at times. It's interesting to see how the people around him grew and matured while he remained the same – a selfish, reckless, troubled child. A flat character arc. It's not what I would have guessed years ago, and certainly I would have preferred some character growth for Eren, or a more nuanced representation, or make him a flat out villain and don't have his friends making excuses for him, but it is what it is. The end credits reminded me a bit of the story A Canticle for Leibowitz in terms of the cycle of rise and fall of civilizations and repetition of history. Will the Titans return? Who knows. I guess we'll wait and see. I sincerely enjoyed your reactions and discussions throughout. Cheers.
The point of it is Eren wanted to make a peaceful life for his friends. And he did it. Mikasa died old peacefully.
There are definitely alot of Biblical themes in this show including the tree of life, The chosen people (The Jews), Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, free will vs pre destination, nihilism, and love that spans generations. I think this show might have a frustrating ending depending on your worldview, but it definitely an important ending. at the very least, the last shot of the city burning and the tree shows the realistic nature of the sinful human heart. Loved your reaction and discussion guys. God bless.
If you pay attention to the end, all of the bombing and war is far after everone we know has passed. Erens whole point was to save his friends and erase the power of the Titans which both happened. They could have made a hunky dory ending but that shit jus isnt realistic. I personally loved the ending and potrays the whole message of the show. Love you two btw you are awesome.
lmaoo This is dark af, but I can't stop laughing. When I saw the "Danish word of the day" segment in the progress bar, I was like.. "Hmm. I wonder what its gonna be based on the finale… probably genocide… lol" And then Kat made the same joke I lost it.
During the rumbling eren had his eyes closed and he just Open it yo see Mikasa one last time…
Eren jaeger
He wasn't able to prevent this outcome because he knew he would try and thus prevented himself from preventing it. He is trapped in a time paradox where he wants to stop himself from doing something that technically has already happened. It's fucked, but also brilliant imo