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About the Author: Linda Binda


  1. Linda, I'm a new fan, and I just need to know! How does he not realize you're exposing him?? He genuinely thinks you two are dating?? I don't get it! Thank you for your hard work and dedication! 💕

  2. Yes everyone in this world deserves forgiveness when they make mistakes…However Mistakes are things like dropping a cup of tea on the floor accidently opening the door in someone's face accidently walking into someone. Talking to minors online is not a "Mistake" its a crime a deplorable iredeemable act that is very much unforgivable. It is not remotely close in the ranking of "Mistake's".

  3. I love Linda binda I need more I would be best friends with Linda. Just sit together and watch music videos and ridiculously dance 😂❤ I also need to learn her censorship for my kiddos.

  4. I get the feeling that this guy really believes all the bullshit he's talking about. Like, this doesn't seem like an act.
    Linda, you may want to edit this again. Some of the content in this video repeats. Aside from that, this is some solid Lolcow material. Ok then, I'm gonna go get f*cked up on some ice cream. See ya!
    Also, if this Juoiter guy reads this, please, for all our sake, put a shirt on!

  5. Golden corral is going to cater your wedding under the bridge!!! Babe, thank God you exposed him and I hope you expose others! This whole series was intense! Will there be more??

  6. nobody’s talking about the Freudian slip at 1:27 where Linda asks if Corbin has sucked on his sisters tits and he replies “No, that was a lon- I’ve never done that to my family!”

  7. Why did I never notice the “he sees you as his mother AND/or hot sister” statement??? Mother AND sister?!!?!!?!? That should reveal enough about him, aside from the HEAPS of other mortifying things

  8. So I was watching Animal House and I realized where I've seen you before … That may make no sense but it's a complete compliment … You are amazing … Thank you very much for all that you do

  9. Imagine him at 60. I legit have a patron I've had to ban from my work place for being inappropriate with kids. I'm convinced Jupiter is a clone of that patron.

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