VIKING MENTALITY! Those who adopt the Viking mentality are the ones with power, exerting it through aggression and control. It is not for everyone.
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Intro song: Valkyrjur by Bjorth
• YouTube: @bjorth_official
• Bandcamp: https://bjorth.bandcamp.com
• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1KveHTXgPjylfrK3742EZu
• Apple: https://music.apple.com/de/artist/bjorth/1526053956
• Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/music/player/artists/B08F4KFGK4/bjorth
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Intro song: Valkyrjur by Bjorth
• YouTube: @bjorth_official
• Bandcamp: https://bjorth.bandcamp.com
• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1KveHTXgPjylfrK3742EZu
• Apple: https://music.apple.com/de/artist/bjorth/1526053956
• Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/music/player/artists/B08F4KFGK4/bjorth
Really Slow Motion
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Secession Studios
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#VikingMentality #Motiversity
Channel the Viking mentality—where power flows from relentless determination and fearlessness. It's not for everyone, but those who embrace aggression and control forge their destiny with unwavering strength 🔥💪🏽
I'm going to be king. Everyone 😂 except the 👑
God this was powerful i felt the power surge through my blood got me through the most intense chest session i hit 4 plates a side thabk you for these uploads i felt the inner viking
I was the owner of the 4 place of the class but this time I am the 5th of class and I can't balence my martial arts and studies I will do it I swear it I will do it
I’m glad I pulled through, despite the crises. I am retiring next yr at 55 with 3 houses paid off worth 4.5 million. One is my place of residence the other 2 properties will give me $80,000per/yr rent . I will have an income stream of $20,000 per mnth through my super which gives me total $240,000 a yr to live comfortably. I have no debts … Stay Motivated!!
"Wisdom is welcome wherever it comes from."
~Bandamanna Saga, c.10
Bro just repeats Kratos lmao! But still badass
What is the name of the first song playing?? This is badass bro
The practical tips you share are so valuable. I'm implementing them into my routine starting today. Thanks for the guidance
What is that background music?
I love this!! It spoke to my spirit!! Let's get it done!!!
Thank you for posting these I listen every day while I work out blessings
Holy shit, this content is so good!
You have to train yourself to become true warriors and keep a good fight until you win. The battles are between you and your enemies.
This pumped me up so much for my morning run. Thank you for this video. For everyone reading this comment, let's go crush our goals!
اللهم انصر أهلنا في فلسطين وثبت أقدامهم واشدد ازرهم وصوب رميهم آمين Amen❤
Dayum my cat heard this and it grew a beard!
No Regrets Team! Go for your dreams! Work hard, stay focused, it’s your vision! LETS GO!!!!
To be effective in battle you must not feel for your enemy
🐯✨️🏆👑🎤🎧now that's what I'm talking about keep smashing it this video 📹 is on fire🔥another one still number 1⃣ keep giving it to them alot harder because we never give up just remember we can do anything do what you was made to do that's be (great) keep raising that bar higher than you did yesterday keep rocking the whole 🌎 world with the Art 🎨 of war with that creative wild twist keep doing it wild keep fighting🥊keep winning🥇keep shining keep smiling😊bless up we're listening from the beautiful jungle.🌴😎🍊🐯🎨🎻🧡💚🌳
Interesting how the pillage is cool when Vikings are mentioned
Warrior mentality
Now this shit will turn you into a beast