10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Make You Sleep with the Lights On – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.
In this episode of 10 scary ghost videos, you will see: 10 scary ghost videos that’ll make you sleep with the lights on! These include; ghost footage shows a mysterious apparition caught on camera inside a haunted building. A ghost hunter films the face of a ghost on camera while conducting a paranormal investigation at a haunted house. A scary photo shows a ghostly figure caught on camera, but is it a real ghost? A translucent figure which viewers believe to be a ghost is caught on a car dash cam. A ghost hunting team capture a strange creature hiding in the shadows of a haunted cemetery. The most compelling video evidence of Bigfoot is caught on tape by boaters in Ontario, Canada plus many more scary videos! These are 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Make You Sleep with the Lights On
00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Make You Sleep with the Lights On
21:53 – Outro
MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!
10 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Make You Sleep with the Lights On
#scary #ghost #creepy
If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR That Will Give You Nightmares! https://youtu.be/GPV4XTJYBcU
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Here's 10 SCARY GHOST Videos That'll Make You Sleep with the Lights On! Enjoy!
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Bug eyes
👻👽👻Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up👻👽👻
Whatever it was that the baby was seeing the dog sleeping at the foot of the stairs didn't seem too concerned.
If bigfoot actually exists, it must be reasonably intelligent to have remained hidden for so long.
I don't think that Ricky should be a ghost hunter because every time he sees a ghost he runs away screaming
In MInute 20:53 you cN SEE shadow figure standing in the hall behind the arch…or not???
Yo I'm glad Ricky rant because if you look behind them to do hand was reaching for him look real close you can see the hand look like it's reaching for him he's about
Subscribed had to make a new account ❤ thanks for the content
As a small child, I used to see things and they also talked to me. I told grandma that grandpa was sick, he had a brain tumor and as a result they operated successfully. I still have the gift ( if you want to call it a gift) and can sometimes smell cancer on a person. I am lucky that my mom and grandma treated me like I was normal. At 15 yo I watched a boy about my age being hit by a train in a dream. I woke up and told mom that a train was going to hit a teenager. We had the radio on and 15 minutes later it was reported that a teen was hit by a train, I tried to grab hold of him in my dream, but he slipped and I lost him. I also walked in my dream with the detectives after the accident. When I saw the detectives on TV they were wearing exactly the same clothes. I still have premonitions and they have been getting worse of late. Sorry for my long comment, but you understand or you don't. 😊
That woman in the window reminds me of Emily Dickinson.
What if all this was real? Lol jk… Kind of comforting to know I'm not the only one in the world to experience paranormal.
This was a very good episode sorry it took me so long to watch it I been working some crazy hours
Number 4 definitely Bigfoot
kids don't fu ckin lie.
Ricky V always catches some out there, footage, but he always runs which makes me real skeptical of his stuff. I think a lot of his stuff is fake. Shame, we'll never know, the way he does things. And not all this stuff is real people. That just looked like a girl. I saw something early on, but noticed it just stayed behind him until the camera changed angels. Lol, it has to be real, it's Ricky V., who just knows how to flee.
Good narrating bad fake videos choice
#1 is a high latency motion detector on the CCTV system. There's a gap of a few seconds on the time stamp before the "ghost" appears. For those few seconds there was no motion, nothing to record, then within that window the person entered and moved, triggering the motion sensor, and it took a short while for the DVR to start recording.
05:35 the image of the woman has clearly been superimposed onto the original for the female is Florence Nightingale and the image comes from the early 2000's 5 pound note
The train video I see the devil next to the woman in the window!
Title: videos that'll make you sleep with lights on
Meanwhile me watching at night
Even though 15:46 the grandmother was scared she believed and protected her granddaughter
Bad investigator to run at the first actual seeming sign of something paranormal.
The little girl saw a bug in the kitchen, and grandma turned it into something much more.
It is so haunted that kids hang out there long enough to paint it all over with graffiti.
Abandoned doesn't man empty.
Why would the child say bug eyes? 😳 They dont make that up..
How do i send u my haunted home videos i am now in danger