#hail #storm #africa
Johannesburg, South Africa, was blindsided by a severe hailstorm and heavy rains on Monday, November 13, catching residents and motorists off guard after a weekend of predominantly sunny skies. The unexpected weather event has resulted in significant damage and upheaval across the city.
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster,
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.
저정도는 경고고 전세계 강진이 일어나면 3차원 인간들 문명이 다 파괴되고 지구 정화후 4~5차원 과학기술 갖고 초능력 쓰고 살게 되있음.
Interesting. You don't hear much about the weather in South Africa. I'm assuming that it's generally benign for the majority of the time.
大きな雹が降ったんですね Σ(O_O;)
Jeremias 23
¹⁹ Eis que saiu com indignação a tempestade do Senhor; e uma tempestade penosa cairá cruelmente sobre a cabeça dos ímpios.
²⁰ Não se desviará a ira do Senhor, até que execute e cumpra os desígnios do seu coração; nos últimos dias entendereis isso claramente.
Jeremias 25
32Assim diz o Senhor:
"Vejam! A desgraça está se espalhando
de nação em nação;
uma terrível tempestade se levanta
desde os confins da terra".
Big Momma energy 🔥
Quanto MAIOR tecnologia MAIOR o tombo.
cap .20
vers.. ENTÃO, falou DIOS todas estas palavras, dizendo:
vers 2 Eu sou o SENHOR, teu DIOS, que te tirei da terra do Egito, da casa da Servidão.
vers. 3 .Now terás outros DIOSES .diante de mim.
vers 4. Now Farás para ti imagem de escultura, nem alguma semelhança do que há em cima nos céus, nem em baixo na terra nem nas águas debaixo da terra.
vers . 5 Now te encurvarás a elas nem as servirás; porque eu, o SENHOR, teu DIOS, sou DIOS zeloso, que visito a maldade dos pais nos filhos até á terceira e quarta geração daqueles que me aborrecem
vers. 6 e faço misericórdia em milhares aos que me amam e guardam os meus mandamentos.
vers. 7 Now tomarás o nome do SENHOR , teu DIOS, em vão; porque o SENHOR now terá por inocente o que tomar o seu nome em vão.
vers 8 Lembra- te do dia do SÁBADO, para o Santificar.
O tempo esta mui proximo,
E now adianta querer enganar porque o SENHOR DIOS , escreveu as, suas leis, para que andamos em obediência, ao SENHOR DIOS , e em Santificação,
Porque só assim estamo na presença do SENHOR DIOS,
Os sinais estão se cumprindo, e daqui algumas horas sinais que irá impactar , grandes acontecimento terrivel virá sobre a terra , e a humanidade por causa das suas abominações.
Filho de israel pilot07Galileu.
Mensageiro do Rey dos Reys o Rey Eterno
Revelation 16:21 And huge hailstones , about one hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed GOD because of the plague of the hail, because it’s plague was extremely severe. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
I give you the reasons, and the solutions…
Who knows the reasons, knows the solutions… Any natural phenomenon must be balanced naturally…
I am very sorry to say that the time is going to be over, and on some phenomenons is over…
There is a lot around sciences, but very few of them scientists…
This kind of people will lead people to the loss of land and their future…
Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced
Lost of (????)L daily as a form of vapor of water from the ground,has a big effect to rise or reduce of temperature by veiling the rays of the sun,and decreasing the earth's radiation…
Vapor condensation creates clouds that veil the sun totally,earth and atmosphere …
This a mount of water vapor became produced from(seas and oceans)…
This means,the percentage of water vapor which produced from the ground and the (seas&oceans )is difficult…
This means the pressures of the air in the atmosphere are different too…
This case means the change in the directions of winds,which some called climate change and some called global warming, and then NINO and then LANINA, and this year they called global cooling…
Results :
These directions of winds, must be balanced…
These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000…
Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced
The summary of climate change is easy.
It is the change of humidity in atmosphere, which produce between the (land)and the(seas & oceans) on the other hand…
Occurring of rains, snow, storms, and floods at time and in unexpected places, confirm my theory(the change in the directions of winds)which must be balanced…
How to reduce the heat of the earth and atmosphere?
We must supply the earth with a natural cooling places…
1- To balance the water vapor which produces between the( ground)and the(seas and oceans )…
2- To balance the pressures of the air in the atmosphere…
3- To balance the directions of winds which caused the climate change…
4- To control upon the storms and harricans…
5- To revive the the first theory of climate change (dynamic horizontal movement).
6- To balance the percentage of gases forming the atmosphere.
NOTE :The lack of water vapor is of land not of seas and oceans…
These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000…
Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced
60% of the(land)breeze and the(sea)changed in Iraq and this difference arrived at other countries of the world…
This difference caused the change of the directions of winds,which needs to balance…
You spend more than 100 years to study the age and the thickness of the ice at the poles(north and south ),but you didn't spend one day to return ice to his place…
The people plan their future , but you do not plan the future of the earth…
The world made sins, when he didn't study and read the studies and the advices of the others…
I think that science is for the Americans and the Europeans !!! ??? …
Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced
지구촌이 정말 심각하네요