Crazy Postgame Fight between Prarie View A&M and Jackson State during the Handshakes Line
#fights #basketball #sports
Crazy Postgame Fight between Prarie View A&M and Jackson State during the Handshakes Line
#fights #basketball #sports
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Dude #2 that started hiding behind everybody. Even at the end
Cultural dysfunction
#5 for JSU..very feminine energy!
usual suspect…cant take a loss so he bumped him to start a fight…..and this dude look 30yo 0:02
This is why LeBron left Cleveland
historically black colleges.
if you really want to hit the person, you go straight to them. not cause a scene by pushing off others just to get attention. then at the end, after all that "aggression", you'll suddenly be held under control by your mom? when 3-5 guys can't stop you? fake tough guy.
you can easily tell who lost the game
This like that opening scene from Coach Carter… “Lebron James? I am the only Ty Crane”
Those little boys ain’t bout that action 😂😂😂
Why does this occur with basketball all the time?
For the culture ✊
Typical black mentality
even from the start, look at him putting his arm on his mate like his telling his mate "Imma fight, hold me"
😅😆🤣 .. They're just misunderstood…😆🤣😂
Man this shit happens every day at La fitness. Wgaf
Handshake line is supposed to be about "sportsmanship," right?
All that because I guy bumped your shoulder? Man up and move on
Damn shame ….. another reason why they say what they say about us
It’s bad when your momma gotta come out the stand to come you down 💀
It’s always the bunnies.
Well well well
this is the biggest…. "hold me back dog"! Ive ever seen
If that was a White team, the JSU players would’ve of said “They were being racist!” Then the administration would have found Zero Evidence. Smdh
black culture is so toxic(black american culture that is)
basketball people
ok maybe i’m jus high but numba 5 ran down to the other end fast as hell 😂😂😂
Ross wanting someone to hold him back at the lineup just funny af
All you had to do is get mom out there
Just taser his ass If he cant chill he wont bei playing anyway at this point
At least finish the damn handshakes before the fight damn
He was never really trying to get at him lol. He pushed on those guys for nothing. He could’ve just went straight for him
Security was a bunch of tiny women cops/security.. go to 44 seconds.