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Subhanallah.. God bless you., and your, country people, s.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏aameen..
Это вам за Арцах
اللهم احفظ العباد المؤمنين
Astghfar Allah hu akbarrrrr 😰 Toba astghfar
Gmerto ratom miatove weni xatad weqmnili Adamianebi,gvapatie zodvebi Mama Jehova da gviwvele.😭❣️💔
se lo merecen
Implacaveis Nibiru e hercobulos
Meu Deus que triste😢😢
¡Señor Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios Vivo, ten piedad de nosotros y del mundo entero! Amén.
Paz y bien.
لا حوله ولا قوة الا با لله العلي العظيم
Praying for all pleasr LORD JESUS help them survive all glory and praise to you LORD AMEN❤❤
Misericordia ❤🙏🇹🇷❣️
all these disasters are due to climate change
Otra vez Turquia en la llaga que ma suerte.
Heavenly father God 🙏 please grace for the world 🌍🙏🌍 Amen Amen Amen
الاتراك من الفجعة يدعون بالعربي 😂
It’s Weather Manipulación
so scary!
Deus abençoe a Turquia
Lord, Mercy….
Dios los bendiga 🙏
Na wo ist euer gott hat er euch verlassen da habt ihr die Antwort .
Padre eterno Dios omnipotente ten misericordia de todos nosotros
Dios santo q trajedia el cambio climatico trae destrucción por poco se lleva al niño
God bless Turkey🙏🙏🙏
Mother Nature doesn't discriminate.. we all are in trouble..we are family.
Kalki is arrived to end all sinners….
Il n'y a plus rien de normal! Ils détruisent notre planète, sachant que le treùblement de terre n'est pas arrivé par hasard…
As it was in the days of Noah. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Isso é tenebroso meu Deus misericórdia
Очень печально где это
Impresionante, Dios les guarde y las autoridades hagan lo suyo
Haarp climate Kontrollt.
Encore en Turquie?
Que calamidade 😢😢😢😮.
Oh, my gosh.
My heart 💔is breaking for the whole world 🌏people
must know, that all these events are increasing and that
Floods, tornados, fires, earthquakes and all other events
will get worse, as these things have all been prophesied
to happen in the end times, this is now the time we are
living in. Please repent and seek the Lord Jesus Christ
for forgiveness of sins today. Believe with all your heart
in Jesus as it is written in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 then do
Romans 10:8-10 and Acts 2:38 be born again in Christ &
be saved. JESUS CHRIST loves you turn to Him today ❤🙏
Cok gecmis olsun zongukdak son anda tovbe etmek ise yaramiyo