Dr. Eben Alexander had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) and discovered what happens after death. He saw seven beings/angels, and after leaving his body was shown future events. Gary’s NDE (Near-Death Experience) showed him that there is life after death, and it was a life-altering experience that changed him forever.
During this thought-provoking conversation, Dr. Alexander sheds light on the awe-inspiring details of his NDE, offering insights into the phenomenon of encountering a divine presence, the feeling of unconditional love, and a sense of interconnectedness with the universe.
As a skeptic turned believer, Dr. Alexander’s story challenges conventional scientific beliefs, igniting a global conversation on the existence of an afterlife and the nature of human consciousness. His powerful account resonates with countless individuals who have had their own near-death experiences or those seeking solace in the face of mortality.
✨ Dr Eben Alexander’s Links:
Website: http://www.ebenalexander.com
Website: http://www.sacredacoustics.com
Website: https://www.innersanctumcenter.com
Proof of Heaven: https://amzn.to/3rUYSEE
Living in a Mindful Universe: https://amzn.to/44PlTr4
*This post contains affiliate links, which means I will receive a percentage of anything purchased.
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UNC Chapel Hill – Old Well with flowers.jpg
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Carroll Hall UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media
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UNC Kenan-Flagler McColl Building
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#nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2023 #heaven #shamanoaks #ebenalexander #proofofheaven
The notion that we can do no wrong in God's eyes contradicts the Word Of God in the bible:
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Great to know death is in 5K.
This NDE rabbit hole makes me sad because mine went nothing like ANY of these.
All these ppl experienced this stuff always has carisma and a book to sell. And i guess a carrer based on this subject. I do tough wanna believe and hope.
There's definitely something else out there. I've had my own experiences which are personal to me and I don't want to write an essay here. But I love hearing others' experiences.
these are interesting. I'm always disappointed to hear places referred to as heaven and god and other obviouslyreligious terms.
Maybe it is another dimension, but why do accounts always have to use tired religious terminology
You either go away from God, or go towards God.
Where, you go to Heaven (where God is), or away from God (Hell, where those who are repelled by God and embrace evil; are).
I’m every major religion; including Christ’s message himself includes the presence of a “unforgivable sin.”
I’ve heard various Christians (including Jim Caviezel theorize that child rape is a part of that “unforgivable sin.” Which, are defined as the sin against the Holy Spirit itself. That sounds right to me.
This theory is no doubt not acceptable because of the high number of religious clerics who assault young patrons sexually. If they did accept it; half of all religious clerics would be expelled.
There are other examples. Not ALL is forgiven. Nor should it be.
I’ve read a very credible NDE where Jesus states to the person, “God has a very difficult time forgiving those who hurt innocent in God’s name.” That sounds about right.
Where was Jesus? If Jesus isn't there, this is bogus.
We strongly encourage everyone to read the Scriptures from the beginning and do the Almighty's will. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is best described in Jeremiah 31:31 (New Covenant) and Matthew 15:24 (The lost sheep of the House of Israel). Furthermore, Jim Staley's "Identity Crisis" video [on YouTube] goes over the verses mentioned above in addition to Romans 11 and our place within the Kingdom. Don't forget that you rehearse dying every time you go to sleep!
He's a liar then like all the rest! Sick and tired of people telling lies. No proof, no truth, grow up
1000th comment 😊. I read his book many years ago. Glad that more people find this interesting.
You had a backup restore
You are talking BS. You can’t have a NDE without your heart completely stopping. If your heart was pumping, then your brain was playing games with you.
why are we calling it heaven
I believe it is an enormous release of DMT, because the experience sounds IDENTICAL to a strong breakthrough DMT trip.
The feeling of being in dirty jello or oily, dirty syran wrap. The timeless feeling. The meeting of enities, the feelings of immense love and acceptance, the beautiful, architecture and gardens that seem alive and even sing, being met by beings that are super excited you are there. It sounds just like a DMT trip and it could be released, you have this amazing, blissful journey that seems like eternity, because there is no time. DMT will make go to a place and you remember everything and it lts like you have been there for a thousand years, but only 3 minutes has passed.
lol, naw.
Your Hindi version will get you more subscribers and listeners. Please Hindi version.
I just watch After Death and now I don’t even believe in dying, but simply a shift between states of being.
I enjoyed this! Jesus is King. ❤
Wonder how much money he made with this story
Why I believe in Jesus.
Here is what's happened to me. At 10 years old I went to the Union Gospel Mission camp. One evening they gathered all the kids into a big room and told us about Jesus. What they said is something that I wanted very bad as I grew up in a bad ungodly home. With all my little girl heart I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart. After Camp I went home to my crappy life where there was no one to support me in my having just accepted Jesus. Because of my surroundings I lived the life that I knew except what was different when I came back from camp is that I began to talk to Jesus. Over the next 20 years my talking to Jesus became more like begging for help whenever I'd get in trouble and at the time I didn't know that I was being helped. I had been in some seriously bad spots and somehow always come through. There were many times where I should have died and didn't. When I was about 30 years old, I began to wonder about God. I read Quran, Budist, Mormon etc… Nothing seemed correct. At my work a woman gave me the website of a church in my area. On it was the prayer to accept Jesus. I figured I'd pray it, if Jesus really is real, I'll be with him, if nothing happened, I wouldn't worry about it. As I sat at my desk, I said the prayer and I meant it with all my heart and with my eyes closed in prayer, I saw a Golden Light like nothing I'd ever seen before, I heard in heaven the Angels singing and I felt a Peace like nothing I'd ever known before. Afterwards, I thought for a moment how strange that was but not understanding, I went back to working. On the way home from work that day, I felt as if blinders
where removed from my eyes and I thought, Everything is going to be OK! Before Jesus, I was suicidal so feeling good was not normal for me. When I saw my friends they kept telling me that I was different. When I went to a bar I hung out at, I could feel and in my minds eye see evil spirits around. It freaked me OUT! I slowly changed over time and I didn't go back to my old ways. 2nd true story, My cousin is a drug addict. I knew she was pregnant, homeless and with her drug dealer, abusive boyfriend. I didn't know exactly when she was due. I stayed away from that part of my family as they where trouble. One day I was out shopping with my mom and my little child. I felt like something was bugging me, like being constantly tapped on the shoulder. That night I couldn't sleep because of that annoying feeling. At 3am I finished my book and as I set it down I heard "Get on your knees and pray" I ignored it because that was odd. Again I hear but louder "Get On Your Knees And Pray" I was like, that was really weird but again I ignored it. Again I hear but this time REALLY LOUD, "GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY"!!!! I was so scared I flew out of bed like I was on fire and was down on my knees asking, what should I pray for? Next I hear, "Pray for Kara and the baby" I said please take care of Kara and the baby. Next I hear, "Call your Aunt Sandy in the morning. "I then felt calm, got in bed and fell instantly asleep. In the morning I immediately called and my aunt said, Oh my Gosh! Kara has been trying to get ahold of you. They took her baby from her, it had Meth in its system. Kara wants you to foster her baby. I freaked out and burst into tears. I KNEW THEN GOD REALLY TALKED TO ME. My husband and I fostered and then adopted the baby. It took 7 years to finally get my baby cousin free of her neglect and safe.
Through it all I struggled with anxiety and OCD. I would pray for relief and Jesus would help me get through it as I felt his comforting come over me. I also kept having the thought and a nagging that I needed to be baptized. I prayed and asked God that if he wanted me baptized he'd have to bring the baptism to me as I didn't have a church. This summer, at 52 years old, my new friend said she and her husband where hosting a baptism at their farm. I had literally been praying that same week about it! I said yes to her. The day of the baptism I woke up to the worst unexplainable leg pain. So much so that I was limping. I was having thoughts that I should just stay home but I pushed through and went to get baptized. The moment I came out of the water the pain in my leg was gone. I knew it was demons trying to stop me but they lost! That night I dreamed that I graduated and I understood that God was telling me that I was going to heaven when I die! I also haven't had any Anxiety or OCD since. I have all the evidence I'll ever need!