Man Dies, Sees Future & Says Don’t Freak Out (NDE)

Man Dies, Sees Future & Says Don't Freak Out (NDE)
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Gary Wimmer had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) and discovered what happens after death. He saw seven beings/angels, and after leaving his body was shown future events. Gary’s NDE (Near-Death Experience) showed him that there is life after death, and it was a life-altering experience that changed him forever.

0:00 – Near-Death Experience (NDE)
11:52 – Why Did It Happen to You?
15:27 – Does Everyone Have Psychic Abilities?

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About the Author: Shaman Oaks


  1. I dont believe him… his eyes turn too often short moments bottom right. That is lying (creativity side) BUT i think he is wise. He want to sell his books… good Storyteller. Great Carisma.

  2. This guy says basically that we should do good works with our lives which is true. However doing good works doesn’t mean we are guaranteed to go to heaven. That belief contradicts what the Bible says. Ephesians 2:7-9
    7   That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
    8   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    9   Not of works, lest any man should boast.
    The Bible warns those who have spirit guides. Deuteronomy 18:10-12
    10   There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
    11   Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
    12   For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
    Are not spirit guides the familiar spirits that God detests in the Word of God.
    Know that there is only one way to heaven and that is through faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. John 14:6
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 10:9-10
    9   That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    10   For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
    The Bible says in Hebrews 6:18 that it’s impossible for God to lie. So take God’s promise for yourself and punch your heavenly ticket.

  3. It seems that a great peace of mind in these NDE and alot of education to the person experiencing it. I have many different question,you see I have a totally different story about our creation, and it's because this christ story I found to be a sham . I spent many years be taught Christian beliefs and archeologists have spent many years researching biblical ruins and the two do not match. I am Mormon. I discovered thier priesthood Melchizedek is really a Anunnaki decendent, his blood line to hold a priesthood or a king position has to be the chosen bloodline Hebrew direct birth line of Anunnaki lord Enki. Who turn out are the true creators of Mankind. DNA of their male essence with female hominid egg combinations = Mankind Adam later Adapa the Beginnings of slave making, no spiritual God. Now who are the Anunnakis highly intelligent flesh and blood Immortal beings from planet Nibiru which passes through our solar system every 3600yrs years, settled on earth 445,000 years ago. The great pyramids of gesa and the mysterious pyramids all over this earth, built and set up by the Anunnaki lords. Priesthood set up to connect them with their creation man. Now christ is Anunnaki decendent, judas iscariot said to christ you are from the Immortal realm of Barbelos ( Anunnakis ) they set up Christianity to continue control over us and then returned to planet Nibiru. The rest is history, it's Mankind ignorance that created all this mythological God

  4. thank you for this message. its soo right on we cant fix it we aren't in control, we have to go through all this to fix it. i love this testimony! especially you got to see the universe. like you didn't go to heaven and this story is so different then all the other ones. i love this! especially the keys part the of this, i loose them all the time. lol. did they finally let you go after the first 10 days or did they try to keep keeping you? thank you the whole world needs this message. we need to love and not hate, and people need to know this. the mind is a powerful thing. thank you for this, message!

  5. That was a mistake telling the psychiatrist about your experience. Psychiatrists are very dangerous people. They are generally programmed morons but have the power to commit you to an institute. The fact that you proved your story by telling him about his private life at home and you were totally uninjured meant nothing to him as he lacked basic reasoning skills. You were lucky not to be assaulted with the liquid cosh.

  6. Great story. I have a question for Gary. When you were seeing the headlines about Covid and Global warming, were you aware that they were fake psychological operations or were they just images of the papers?

  7. Every one has different experience on NDE
    Some said no heaven or hell no jesus. We manifeast it ourselves
    We plan life we don't t plan life
    You'll know when you get there
    We have enough issues being alive on this crazy weird planet with a bunch of nuts in congress and on streets
    What ever happens after death, it cant be worse then this.

  8. wait a minute, he can see what has already happened, but can't tell us what is about to come now. So basically he had this in 1977, saying he saw everything that has already occurred, but can't go pass our time now. I am calling BS on this one. Not saying NDE are not real, it just seems like this guy is in it for something else.

  9. I like it very much that you don't impose your religious beliefs or sect over the viewers as other crazy Christian fanatics do in their channels by scaring people with fake NDE's about hell and torture if you don't follow their own personal Pentecostal or whatever religion views. Yours are way more interesting and believable. I've being blessed with the ability to travel "nightwalking" to parallel worlds almost on a daily basis for about 20 years already, so I now and can identify myself with several of your guests experiences. It's not easy to be yourself in so many infinite number of worlds in the multiverse all at once, living so many different lifestyles! But it's fun. Thank you for your content! My channel is about E.T. SciFy humor, it's in Spanish, but you can use close captions. Not all aliens speak English only as on TV. 😂😂😂

  10. Dmt is made everywhere, flora and fauna. He speaks truth. Light is information, dark is lack of information. These guardians use light, light on that "spot in between the eyes" pineal gland, which he intended to receive.

  11. I have had some out of body experiences since i was a baby. It is the one reason I tell people babies can think and they know words talk to them like you know this they are very smart. Many have chosen to poison their bodies and these poisons block your spiritual abilities to open these doors.

  12. Why bother? I never get any answers. I don't think we have free will. Nothing negative. I'm being real. Life is a school and if it is a school then we would just simply repeat the lesson if we got it all wrong.

  13. I believe we are multidimensional souls who have become trapped and enslaved by the elites. Our minds are capable of much more than we are aware or but we are too distracted to ever see it. The elites are using us to build an empire while making us believe we're blessed to have a shiny new truck and the latest cell phone. All while they travel dimensions freely.

  14. I have to laugh, because the whole concept of coming down through the seven colors sounds a good bit like Plotinus saying we come down through the seven planets and gain our capabilities as humans.

  15. Sometimes even dangerous things can appear attractive. I humbly suggest don't delve into what seems like someone who knows the future. It is a dangerous thing to mess with. No one actually know the future and it can change as soon as you see it. Only God knows for sure. I cant' claim whether he's right or wrong I don't know this man. But there is powers people use that taps into actual magic. You might lose your soul if you get involved in that stuff. everything else he said was great and true like don't freak out live your live to the fullest etc etc. But this contacting him for psychic stuff it's your right to if you want but I suggest against it. I believe in God and I also believe you don't go that route but that's my opinion. Just make your decisions and then have faith in God enough to help you when you need it so pray to him. Anything beyond that is dangerous.

  16. but why does the creator think we have flaws? did he create aliens or humans? would he make the aliens go thru covid too? why is life nothing but a lesson? where did he go wrong in creation that we must be such rerrible people? is he never content with us or are we just stupid all our life using the brain he created

  17. He’s the only other person I’ve heard talk about the downloading of information in his mind and the “rolling of the credits” type of feel. I experienced that same thing. Wonder if anyone else has experienced that?

  18. Where is Jesus Christ in all of this? He has either been deceived or is trying to deceive. The Bible is not a liar and there is no connection to this story, very sad.

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