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This month I received…
Midnight Gold by English Laundry
Awaken Distilled by TUMI
Luna Rossa by Prada

Today we explore Ghosts, ghost hunters, poltergeists, and general paranormal activity all caught on camera. We analyze mysterious and unexplainable events that fans have caught on tape. Mysterious Events are getting caught on tape all around the world.
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video music by:
Kevin MacLeod (
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Haunting Dreams by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
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About the Author: KingFrostmare


  1. Those shadow hands are fake, why didn't the guy use his brighter light to shine on them in the first place, but only after they went away he uses it

  2. not only are these absurdly badly FAKED but they're REALLY BADLY FAKED 🤣 not even trying to be remotely 'realistic' I mean c'mon why even bother profiling this dumbassery

  3. C'Mon Frosty ❄
    You've gotten quite lazy with your videos recently.
    Used to love that you did new materials and live reaction videos and now you're turning into Slapped Ham, Sir Spooks, etc…
    They just regurgitate each others videos & play old crap.
    Your videos lately have gotten VERY lazy.
    Please bring back the live reactions & new material.
    Every video the last few weks Ive watched have been sooooo friggin old.
    I KNOW/EXPECT you to do better.
    That guard in the graveyard, guard with the mannequins, etc.
    If this continues I will no longer be watching.
    Have watched for years. Used to be so good. Miss that.
    Also thought we were supposed to see more about the haunted house you moved into? 🤷‍♂️
    Don't wanna leave, but you HAVE to do better like you used to.
    Hope you are well.
    Hope you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving 🦃!!
    Take Care/Stay Safe ✌

  4. 25:20 such an OBVIOUS jump cut-shows the hand in the car window & he says "somebodys in the car" then he stops recording (@ which time person gets out of the car) then starts recording again & he says "I swear to God I saw somebody in the car"….that was one VERY obvious jump cut

  5. If I was a security guard, I'd always have my own gun if not provided one. The second thing that is always missing are those daylight bright flashlights.

  6. @kingfrostmare I know material is hard to come by, but come on that first video the editing was so horrible not to mention it was so clear what was going on I can’t see how anyone would be fooled. I know the material that you upload it is not easy to fine or come by and you have to upload some obvious very obvious BS videos, but this one come on man I’ve been following you for too long. This is kind of embarrassing.

  7. The graveyard and the kid was stupidly fake… What incorporeal entity casts normal shadows from a flashlight. And what incorporeal entity literally runs around corners.

  8. Josh at the cemetery and the kid, kid can't be a ghost b/c normally you don't bury your passed away child in regular ole street clothes. Although I will say my friend buried her 18 yr old son in his fav. street clothes. It's just not that common I guess I should say. I think Josh is pranking us, and it's prob. his kid lol. When he sees him in the oversized black jacket (dad's jacket), you can still see his white pants, just like the kid prior had on. You never see Josh's interior of the car, only the lit dash in front of him or uniform. That's not normal in Police/Securty vids. They usually start rolling the cam while in the car and why is he using his cell and not a body cam? Many cuts in the video and he keeps going to the same little outcove/hallway with the casket roller at the end. It doesn't seem he's a real security guard and I do believe they are staged. He's wearing a Tshirt for goodness sakes. I was a security guard back in the 80's. You have to take or I had to, at the local college, take Private Security guard course, and get cleet certified. That is only if you want to carry a gun. There is armed and unarmed security. It does depend where you are working, whether you get a security car, but he should drive a security car in this case and have a spotlight and USE IT BEFORE just getting out and shining a flashlight that anyone can buy. To be honest, the kids a bit chunky and by Josh's face…he may be on the out of shape side himself. I feel that is his child. Just my opinion, and it means nothing to anyone but me.

    The one with the manequins also seems staged to me. The so called figure at the end of the hallway most def. had human skin toned hands and a face. They were just wearing all black and the same person whose arms and hands were hanging over the side of whatever that was, turned over service table? He made sure to only shine the light on them and above the table, giving the person plenty of cover and time to crawl out and get out of the room.

    Still I gotta say, who the hell hangs out at mausoleums with their kid at night to film prank videos? The "Ring around the rosies, pocket full of posies" was damn creepy. That song is about the The Black Death/The Plague and why childrens nursery rhymes and songs are often about terrible things, we American don't seem to notice and teach them to our children anyway lol. Hansel and Gretl was based on a true story. The Pied piper was based on a true story, there's even a commemorative plaque in Germany at the square, at the Church or Town Hall where he led the children away. BUT what actually happened, and this was common in the times it comes from or dates back too. It was really all the towns young people, they were promised great pay and housing to go to this other place and work in the mines. They went. This is the accepted story in that town in Germany as well. But it's a great tourist attraction. In those days, most people never left their village, and if they did, getting back home was too difficult, so you likely never saw them again.

    Thanks Frostmare. Way to start my predawn morning and it's still dark out there. Argh and Yikes. I gotta go out there lol

  9. Thanks. For the first time in my life I actually used the sponsor in a video. I'm excited to try to smell good. Also awesome video as always!! You are awesome

  10. Omg did anyone catch that when he says his security officer turned everything in and he says he hears banging hes walking around to the noise and right over on the right hand side u can see a kid in grey shorts and blue shoes

  11. Great stuff, although i question everything within our realm, and at timestamp 21.18 why didn't the sercurity guard turn on his torch at this point..? instead of leaving it untill timestamp 21.50 when the arms have dissapeared, he would of captured the entire event if he did…! I believe Tim is not being honest 😉

  12. Siapa mereka kalau bicaranya menang begini kalah begini,; wegah,,,,tapi beda yang begini begininya baik buruknya,,jangan neror kalau baik dark bicara apaadanya lewat tulisan ,,apa yang dimau,,ngandai baik tidak masalah kalau kalian bisa keluar ,,bisa direkrut akan hukum,moga hidup lebih baik lagi,,jika manusianya yang mbangkang boleh akan penghakiman manusianya yang tak benar,,,ngeyelnya juga,,,??????bisa untuk penempatan tiap posisi,,?,,

  13. Ik yall saw person @11:36 but anyone ever see that FrankoTV video that has the Exact same person standing at the corner?? Weird. the Franko clip was shown on many channels 1-2yr ago. I wonder if this guy works at the same FL cemetery that Franko has many videos from?

  14. Whhhhyyyy look away or cut away at the exact moment the kid in the cemetery disappears!?? 🤨 See now that makes me not trust dudes video

  15. Sorry the guy in the cemetery is totally fake, he's ripped off the very same thing another guy did. The kid in the blue shirt had a shadow, a spirit wouldn't leave a shadow. Total crap.

  16. Hey you really got something here with these really creepy videos ! ! ! Keep you the great work compiling these videos ! ! ! Thank you, KF ! ! ! 🤗🤗

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