Dubai is Submerged! Crazy Flooding and Thunderstorm hit UAE, International Airport flooded.
Freak rainstorm unleashes chaos on Dubai as floods paralyze the city. Flights were disrupted at Dubai International Airport on Friday after heavy rain and thunderstorms in the Emirates. The wet weather caused 13 inbound flights to be redirected to other airports, while six outbound flights were cancelled, a representative for Dubai Airports said on Friday.
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This channel lists natural disasters such as:
– Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Typhoon, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Hurricane.
– Geological Emergencies: Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Mudslides, Landslides, Landslides;
– Fires: Forest fires, peat fires;
– Hydrological Emergencies: Floods, Tsunamis, Limnological Disasters,
Be surrendered to the Almighty ALLAH. More Big Neutral Digaster are on the way. There is none who can save us without Almighty Allah. Stay with peace and Truth.