From a scary video that might show a ghost caught on camera near a war memorial to creepy footage of a possible ghost sighting at an old castle, people are freaking out over this weird footage. #Ghost #Weird #SlappedHam
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6. ‘Ghost Child’ Pushes Shopping Cart Into Sports Car || Dogtooth Media https://youtu.be/X4c2WAAt5m0?si=hEtKxFndmduMAaj3
5. Man Believes He’s Witnessed ‘Gates of Heaven Opening’ || Dogtooth Media https://youtu.be/VhkqewzI_T4?si=VALhgz8mtjVLXwLx
4. Tots Waves and Says Hi to ‘Ghost of Great Grandma’ || Dogtooth Media https://youtu.be/gp2WLTvYq-Y?si=4jaNUHinsXgleXCI
3. Pub Boss Claims ‘Ghost of Thirsty Punter’ Pushes Pint || Dogtooth Media https://youtu.be/HJXGcxz9hPM?si=ZzGah24ucXRms86D
2. Lad Captures ‘Ghost of Soldier’ Sat on War Memorial Bench || Dogtooth Media https://youtu.be/6jO6xSbi5qU?si=19OCZlXuXj5C43GV
1. ‘Ghost’ Spotted at York Castle || Dogtooth Media https://youtu.be/n-B1r7FOYn0?si=3DDWf2VV8UuV0llQ
Ghost Dungeons
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Wind could definitely make a cart move like that. I've seen some carts moving at least 10+ miles per hour pushed solely by the wind.
Freaky stuff.
#2:44 I woke up, before daybreak (dawn), which is unusual for my sleeping pattern, several months, maybe closer to a year ago, now. I was living on Florida's West Coast (Port Richey) at that time. Anyhow, I looked up, facing a NE projectory, and noticed something I'd never, in my 52 years of living in Florida, seen. It was a rather large opening in the clouds, with a beam of light shining through it. I quickly grabbed my camera and began snapping pictures. I was in awe as to what it could've been…. Within an hour of posting it, in the public domain of Facebook, one of my East Coast (Daytona Beach) friends informed me that NASA had put a shuttle into space, around 5 am, that morning. I 🤔 what is being viewed , at this timestamp, is possibly an earlier view of the launch.
I think the picture of the dark figure with what looks like a hole in its head at 11:30 is a ghost, Kallen. And it does look like the figure has no hands… And the fact that the photo taken a split second after shows the figure seemingly dematerialising makes me believe even more that it's a ghost… That's creepy.
But, for me, the creepiest clip here is the one at 9:12 where the glass on the pub bar moves by itself… Some skeptics will probably blame vibrations and condensation under the glass for its movement, but I don't think so. Why's that glass the only one that moves? I genuinely think it's poltergeist activity, mate. And that pub could be haunted.
I could see if my Dad didn't get to see what memorial's in Life he would be checking them out now.
Little ones can still see both sides of life. Spirits are just people to them.
If my child waved and said Hi to an empty corner, I’d be freaking out and moving out! 😱
I thought it looked like a UFO in the sky
My daughter while still in a crib would laugh and talk to someone. When I asked who she was talking to she said the Man.I asked if he was a nice Man she said yes. I asked her where he was and she said that when he hears me come up the stairs he goes in the closet. I went to the closet and said thank you for entertaining my daughter. He caused no problem so he was welcome to stay in his house.
I don't like it when people tell the kids that there's nothing there. It stifles the child's spiritual growth, and imagination. I wish they would just ask questions, maybe tell them that they can see it but if the child can that's great.
Somebody named their kid Loki. Scariest thing ever.
9:48 Or… OR stay with me, it's an optical illusion created by the rain 😅
Noone is freaking out
We love your videos Kallen! Hoping we get one of ours on at some point 🙌🏻
Who is holding the “store surveillance”camera? Bigfoot?
The ghost on the bench by the war memorial is not a ghost, it looks to simply be a lawn sprinkler, you don't see it rotating like most do because of the car moving , how ever you can clearly see all the water around it on the ground, and its not the first time I've seen videos here of lawn sprinklers being passed off as ghosts.
Pay attention to the mirror too, the street light and the shaded tank, two things showed without notice, until I played angles and saw this!.
A haunted pub? Seriously, are there any other kinds of pub these days? 😮
I'm sure the first video is a hoax, most likely a string pulling the cart, I mean its just too convenient that it happened right after he gets to his car and besides, shopping carts have bumper guards and you can clearly see the bumper guard on the front corners of this cart, or else cars would be getting damaged by shopping carts on a daily basis at just about every supermarket, so I don't know where you get that the car was damaged and paint was chipped, I think you're making it up.
6 years ago i saw a weird luminous cloud right in front of my house in the middle of the night and i live far away from any spacex launch.
You got to stop with those stupid arrows.
Does anyone e know the name of the video where a Mexican man's daughter seems to ha e a ghost girl as friend
So we've got "wind blows a trolly", "small child babbling and looking at ceiling" and "a marketing stunt for a pub". Oh, I forgot "man stood at castle and blurry photo of them moving".
That ain't a bullet hole, looks more like a jagged pike hole. Possibly from the English civil war in the 1640s when York was besieged.
The skeptics are wrong far more times than being right.
A hole through it's head???? Where do you get this stuff from, you can't see anything of the sort with such crap quality all the time! 🙄
If you call your Son "Loki" you have to expect something like that.
Lol, my parents used to blame me for bringing home spirits whenever I camped down back on their property. It was very real, yet funny at the same time.
My mom would say, " Chrissy what did you drag home now?!"
A spirit that left water puddles all over the house.? I tried to debunk it as dog or cat pee. Lol nope, just water puddles, no leaks. Unexplained.
Then , things came up missing, extensive search, didn't find the missing items. Then a week to a month later, items, suddenly reappear, exactly where they were to begin with?!
Then a dark mass, that bugged my mother, in the morning, while she was drinking her tea.
Another that scratched my fathers back .
We were never scared about it, but, it became a nuisance, and a joke, and they told me to stop dragging whatever home.
The glowing on the sky was a Space X launch. It exploded. You're seeing the sunlight reflecting it just before sunrise.
5:20 I speculate that the majority of spirits that follow people or show up seemingly randomly in peoples lifes start at these ages. It's very easy for them to manifest to someone who can't communicate. The law of free will is almost ignored here. Fortunately parents have the spiritual authority to protect and clense their children. For the same reasons it is similarily easy to protect and clense a baby, as long as there is spiritual authority. As an example a parent can choose the babys favorite blanket, or any cloth that is special to them and chosen by the child and draw or stitch a protective prayer or symbol on it, then designat it to protect them. Or a lessor powerfu but easily done, designate to the child that it will keep them safe.
Thge same can be said for young children with strong imaginations. An experienced practitioner can asssign a property of banishment or protection to a favored toy. Then technicalities differ from one tradition to another but my point is that they're quite effective for younger people due to the flexability of the free will law.
See when the person is not considered a credible witness any story they recant is presumed as fiction first and only believed when tangible proof is provided, and children often don't even consider that. So even if there was something they could use as evidence it's lost. Obviously the exeptions to this, those kids with exceptional mental prowess and maturity are the exeption to the relaxed free will law. This is one of the reasons the traditions involve a set of learning exorsises for potential students. Which work as a test of their apptitude, vocations, and restraint. I'll admit the ouija board makes a beautiful addition to these, showing us their affinity and respect for necromancy, ( dealing with spirits of all kinds) the only concern is a lack of information on the dangers of the exorcise or "game"
Another good exorcise (for manifestation) is looking for four leaf clovers. Which I have found make great ingredients for luck ^_^
By the way, I'm hiding lessons, if anyone missed my original point, protect Yo babies!! it's super easy! keep them babies safe yall. and remember to be specific because it could be an ancestor, they all love to see how their family is growing.
You have to remember that time is fluid to anything on the other side. they can skip it like tracks on a playlist. They can visit times of someones life like it's a series of options on a streeming site. Any notable event in someones life, first job, the start of any meaningful relatioship etc. Which is how a spirit can connect to someone as a baby, then show up years later randomly, except it's not entirely random, it starts off in some notable event.
Arming your baby with a protective item works like having a camera system and home security devices of the projectile verity. It inately scares off the wandering ones, so you won't see any activity unless you've put yourself in the position to draw unwanted attention. There are always ways for spirits to get around these protections.
This involved loosing or destroying the object that creates the protection. So you basicly use these charms like alarm systems.
If you're reading this, I would like to add, not sorry :p also stay safe ^_^
You are a famous horror channel with millions of subscribers, and yet you (or your team) read our comments and answer to them. I really appreciate that kalen ❤😊 its really cool to have a response from you always. Much love 💘