Vegans Protesting Against Restaurant Are Horrified By Owner’s Revenge. Vegan protesters return to restaurant where owner cut, ate deer meat in front of them, Protesting an animal rights protest, a chef and co-owner at Antler Kitchen gets meaty revenge on vegan protesters Animal rights activists were horrified.
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#facts_world #viral_stories #stories
Restaurant Owner Cooks And Eats Deer In Front Of Outraged Vegans
Joe Rogan talks to Chef Michael Hunter on vegans protesting his restaruant. Thousands Planned A BBQ Outside The Home Of The Neighbor-Suing Vegan This vegan woman who sued her neighbors for cooking meat in their backyard probably didn’t expect such a backlash.Michael Hunter, the executive chef of the Antler Kitchen & Bar in Toronto, carved a giant deer leg at the front of the restaurant.
Those plants that those vegans are eating were innocent plants who didn’t want to 💀, studies show that plants also feel pain.
"We respect vegetarian not wokey vegan"
I do outdoor BBQs and my menu includes Vegetarian Surprise. It's a T-Bone.
The vegans are not protesting they are terrorists. And they are WRONG.
If/when a vegan is starving bc vegetables no longer grow. Do you think he/she will refuse a tasty deer steak?… I think not.
Next time I’m in Toronto, I’m booking a table. I love that he sticks it to the veganazis!
Whenever I run into someone who says they are a vegetarian, I tell them that Adolf Hitler was also a vegetarian. He really was, by the way.
When are these muppets going to get on with their own lives instead of disrupting everyone else’s
…"God , i love her ! " …
Lol, I love it.
If we are meant to be vegans, why undigested vegetables like leafy vege and corn always come out with our stool but we never seen a rotten undigested meat ever. Our belly is never meant solely to digest vegetables.
I'm a secondary vegan. The animals eat vegetables, and I eat them. I am also the president of our local chapter of P. E. T. A. People Eating of Tasty Animals…
What a legend – hope Hunter is still going and not been destroyed by government
Who will speak for the plants?
Why do vegans insist on murdering plants and EATING THEM !
Those plants were not created to feed the excessive populations of humans that are now destroying this Earth.
Stop the vegans and their reign of terror.
…and stop mowing the grass too!
Plants have a right to be alive.
Yes… I am kidding.
Be vegan if it's YOUR choice but never, NEVER force your ideas on others. Would you like it if you got forced to eat meat? No? Then don't do upon others what you don't want to have done upon yourself.
Why don’t vegans mind their own business.
Best advertisement he could ask for
You can choose to be vegan and not eat meat and I can choose to eat meat and not eat vegetables but if you damage my income then I can and will sue you.
Plants are living just like animals so vegans are Hippocrits
Oh! I just love Bambi. Especially with natural gravy and grilled or steamed veggies on the side.
When did veggie eaters go militant?
I wonder how many of these loony toons actually support abortions?
These are spoiled children who have never known hunger.
My Kids are taking me to my favorite restaurant "Antler" for my birthday this coming weekend. I'm having venison tartare, bison ribeye, and foie gras. My kids are awesome.
My friend said. God created animals to be eaten 😂.
I remember this story….. id love to have been there. Id ordered a rare steak, sat in the window seats and REALLY enjoyed my meal……
Fkn snowflakes never fail to amaze me. I dont break thier balls about being vegan. Leave me the fk alone as well……. snowflakes
Bubble headed Boogies , lol
Bubble headed Boogies , lol
..not true..animals are most definitely ours to use..as creatures of this planet, we have every right to hunt kill and butcher animlas for nutritious meat when we like…we have the same rights as other animals on this planet…do vegans protest lions?..wolves?…try to stop these from killing other animals for food?…anyone who feeds mainly vegetables to carnivorous pets are the real animal abusers…complete idiots…
The food which Vègans eat involves massacre of millions of beneficial creatures like ladybugs, bees, spiders, millipedes, birds, reptiles, etc and they are completely fine with it. Besides, deers and other creatures too are hunted down just for those veggies these worthless vegans graze on because of which there is lack of prey for predators and they attack people.
It said NYPD on the backs of the cops.
So, this story is bogus.
I hope he was eating the meat RARE!!!LMAO!!
Carrots are innocent, they have lives.
If you don't choose to eat meat and become malnourished and have diminished brain functions go ahead, but leave the rest of us alone.
"Facts World" … according to this "creator" this all happened in Toronto – yet the scenes with the police show "NYPD" on their uniforms. Some great work there "Facts World" … thief creator.
This is what vegans eat????????
Soy Vegan Meat on plate
Soy vegan meat in tomato sauce. ©vaaseenaa/Getty Images
Plant-based meat alternatives target vegetarians and flexitarians who want to eliminate or reduce meat consumption but still crave the texture, mouthfeel, and feeling of satiety provided by animal-derived foods. To achieve the desired sensory characteristics of meat, their formulations combine plant protein sources with binders and additives. Research concerning safety, shelf life, and long-term nutritional and health effects of plant-based meat alternatives is limited. Companies developing these products and organizations promoting them have funded much of the available research (Santo et al. 2020). Since such alternatives are primarily based on food sources that are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for human consumption, developers generally believe their new products are safe.
Plant-based meat alternatives are ultra-processed, according to the NOVA food classification system and have complicated formulations (Anonymous 2018). Sha and Xiong (2020) detailed the ingredients used in some formulations. Their article is summarized below.
Soy protein, pea protein, and wheat gluten are the most commonly used plant protein alternatives; other plant proteins are utilized to provide structural and nutritional properties. Prepared by aqueous alcohol washing, the widely used textured vegetable protein is comprised most commonly of soy protein concentrate. Wheat gluten is often used to create meat-like chewiness. Potato, mung bean, and rice proteins may also be incorporated to enhance and alter texture. These plant protein sources add amino acids complementary to those in legumes to create a nutritionally balanced amino acid profile. The ultimate formulation goal is to combine plant proteins that bind together to simulate the interstitial spaces between meat muscle myofilaments. These myofilaments trap and retain water, which is released during chewing to create the sensation of juiciness.
The ultimate formulation goal is to combine plant proteins that bind together to simulate the interstitial spaces between meat muscle myofilaments.
Oils and fats are also used to create mouthfeel and faux marbling similar to animal fat. Plant fats, such as those extracted from coconut and cocoa beans, are solid at room temperature. They are often blended with oils that are liquid at room temperature, such as sunflower, canola, sesame, and avocado oils for nutritional as well as flavor purposes. To further bind water and reduce syneresis, carbohydrate polymers are added. These include crude fibers from wheat, oat, apple, digestible starch, and purified polysaccharides.
Many additives are used in plant-based meat alternatives, and their labels may list more than 20 ingredients—more ingredients and additives for flavoring, coloring, and binding than meats contain (Bohrer 2019). Leghemoglobin, a heme and pigment-containing protein expressed in soybean root nodules, has been genetically engineered for production in yeast cultures. Leghemoglobin might be used at a level of up to 0.8% of a product’s final weight to simulate the bloody appearance of meat. Red and orange pigments from red beets, red cabbage, berries, paprika, and carrots are also used. Another GRAS colorant, titanium dioxide, is used in plant-based chicken as a whitener and brightener. To compensate for lack of flavor, yeast extracts, nucleotides, sugars, and spices are added. They may also be used to mask undesirable beany off-flavors. Vitamins and minerals are included to make up for the deficiencies in plant matrices
These people are so thin skinned and emotionally driven. Way to use their weaknesses against them! Bravo!
Vegans need to READ the BIBLE and the Stop Oil protesters need to walk around naked !!
His business and his protest. Legal lol
Way to go!
How do you know when someone is a vegan? Don't worry, they will tell you. I was at the eye doctor and looking at a food magazine. The assistant looked at a picture and sure enough, "I'm a vegan…"
Vegans fail to realize that farmers kill every living animal that destroys the crops that are meant for vegans. They are the ultimate hypocrites!