Can you watch this scary comp of scary videos all alone?
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📹 SCARY VIDEOS Playlist ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTamjWLVpbggF-p_-c3–oT53bajNR0P6
10. Red eyes outside: https://www.tiktok.com/@monikitaoficial/video/7190904843194715397
9. Haunting: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJoGsnLN/
8. Triangle UFO in Peru: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17lgoi7/have_yall_seen_this_video_from_the_triangle/
7. Ghost in the water: https://www.tiktok.com/@voided.one/video/7046787494427249925
6. Bigfoot sounds: https://www.tiktok.com/@fowl_mitten_outdoors/video/7298370631106645279
5. Strange humanoids: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17ty717/in_the_jungle_the_frightening_jungle_no_one/?sort=confidence
4. Scary figure peeking: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17snh1m/me_and_my_friend_recorded_this_a_few_years_ago/?sort=confidence
3. UFO at Mori Point: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17t0ntu/captured_on_webcam_at_mori_point_pacifica/
2. Heard someone say my name: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17sg7t7/was_home_alone_pooping_when_i_heard_someone_say/?sort=confidence
1. Ghost woman in France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G_x9N5GuoM
🎵 Music by REPULSIVE ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/c/REPULSIVEMUSIC
CO.AG Music ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
🎵 Production Music courtesy of ▶️ www.epidemicsound.com
0:00 – Intro
0:27 – 10
2:04 – 9
8:26 – 8
10:26 – 7
12:08 – 6
14:17 – 5
16:47 – 4
18:11 – 3
19:37 – 2
21:26 – 1
23:30 – Outro
For copyright matters or business enquiries, please contact me: sirspooksbusiness@gmail.com
If your a PAGAN and you know it clap your hands , If your a demon loving monster clap your hands , If your a vessel for a spirit and you just wanna get nearit clap your hands . Clap your hands
6 video is the sound of an elk or deer.
Just some monkeys monkeying around with a tree. Maybe there's nuts or something on it 🤔 🐵🐵🐒Ooop oop😅
first clip is indeed a hoax , its a car
6, Sounds like the howling of a werewolf or Dogman
Number 4 was really good. Love your channel Spooks, but please, for the love of god, learn what "UFO" means. Every time you says "Is that a UFO or something else?" I cringe.
Ok I KNOW I'm not going crazy but I swear spooks posted over an hour long video recently.
I didn't hear any noise on the skateboard Chris video. Y'all be tripping lol
Just a warning for people. The ouija is a way to summon demons and jinns (called "shadow people" who are able to take a human shape as well as an animal appearance), but in no way the dead. It's recommended to avoid it. For the victims of such demonic/hostile activities, recite with faith/conviction the verses 41.10 to 41.13 of the Isaiah book in the Bible. Do it once early in the morning, once at the beginning of the afternoon and once before sleeping. If anyone doubts in his heart, God's protection won't be efficient on him.
10 Scary Videos You Should NOT Watch At Night! 0739am 29.11.23 chris is dealing with powers he has no comprehension of….
the abe like things were feral humans
I love the monkey video!
Such funny little rascals.
6 is just the SFX of American Werewolf in London, not some big ass fucking ape, do your SFX research before you upload videos this is getting old.
Are the asterisks in the title for an optional word? Whatever. Leaving it out anyway.
The first video at the end the woman said “it’s the devil!”
Laying in bed with the lights off sets the mood for scary things on YouTube
When are people going to learn that Ouija Boards are "real" and you will invite entities to enter your home!!!! Everyone that uses it thinks it is all fun & games. This is nothing to mess around with and no one takes it seriously until they have strange happenings and find out they are being targeted by an evil entity!!
"staring at the tiktok user" there is your answer, just a couple of red LEDS
Tiktok is full of crap.
In Chris' 1st video at about 4:06–4:10 there's possibly a reflectuon of a dark/black being in the sliding glass door.. Possibly
The bright orb (ufo) seen floating above the beach and surrounding hills is exactly the same as one I encountered in Devon England United Kingdom earlier this year. (2023) I saw multiple orbs that appeared over the ocean in front of us on a beach night camp out. They got very close to us and were brighter than any light source I’ve seen before! We both had the feeling that we were being watched and the atmosphere around us changed and became very eerie and strange. They remained close together for quite a while about a quarter of a mile away from us, we became scared and felt very uneasy so we ran back to my car and watched them until they just disappeared!? This happened around 4am. Thinking back now It was amazing and we both feel very privileged to have been so close to whatever they were? Since this encounter I’ve been seeing other unexplained crafts and lights in the sky! All my life up until this point I’ve seen nothing, but since this night I seem to be able to sense and see them often at night, even my 10 year old son has seen one above our house in the daylight one afternoon, it was just hovering without any sound at all. 😮 ??? …sounds very bizarre I know but very true!
19 min isnt even ufo its something flowing around on the beach lmao
Vildt at du som dansker har så mange følger! Godt arbejde !
I think the sunset beach ufo video was filmed somewhere in Italy Sicily village Caronia where strange lights were seen. In the whole city fires broke out inexplicabably. Even the electricity for the whole area was shut down but electronic devices continued bursting out into fire. other spooky things also happened like tv going on without being plugged in or phones calling numbers on impossible frequencies by themselves. the city was evacuated. no reason for the fires where to be found. even the NASA was involved. explanations vary from high magnetic field due to a new submarine or the volcano Etna(100km away and only in this small village the phenomen happens), ghosts, aliens. There is an youtube video about ir forgot where.
lets think of solutions and a use for all this paranormal evidence and knowledge we have gained from watching these videos. For starters true immortality is knowing that that universe repeats and never ends. Secondly if you are stuck in a room there is two ways out. one the room gets destroyed or two you hang around as an orb around people and living things making babies. My chances of getting unstuck as a ghost somehow increase if I hang out where babies are forming and being born
monkeys can absolutely walk on two legs with straight backs, i swear to gods so many people live under rocks lmao
Fotage 3 might be just a drone?
It seemed to fly in the paterns dones use
2nd guy made noises himself and knocked the tripod over. Sorry hard to trust when you can only see 5% of the screen
It’s all not real
At 15:39 in the clip with the 2 black monkey/humanoid creatures, Sir Spooks didn't catch it but you clear a clear and present voice whispering right next to the camera.
Also, at 1 point you hear footsteps right near the camera also that clearly isnt either of the 2 beings, so there's defna 3rd being just off camera
man athat first video is car tailights you can see the shape of them
First one is a car. Should I even bother watching the rest?
15:45 The so called monkeys don't look like monkeys because they are not monkeys they're just some stupid FAKE video that you also know it's FAKE si why post it on your channel. No one should give these people that post fake videos the time of day/night on any channel…🤦😂
Just hate them fakes!! 😡
👻👽👻Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up👻👽👻