The Joy of Play with MoMo Kitten and Tiny Jack’s Unforgettable Friendship #monkey #animal #anime

The Joy of Play with MoMo Kitten and Tiny Jack's Unforgettable Friendship #monkey #animal #anime
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The Joy of Play with MoMo Kitten and Tiny Jack’s Unforgettable Friendship
Thanks for visiting our channel and we love to see your comment/input regarding how we take care and protect our poor baby monkey that was just rescued from a group of wolves in the deep mangrove​​ ​jungle in Koh Kong province.

Luckily, I was able to meet a farmer by chance while visiting there and god bless that the monkey was survived even though he had some panic with him. My heart was broken to see how painful and scaring she was in a ​fluttering condition and then I asked the farmer if he could allow me to adopt her. In short, he said “Yes”.

Anyhow, the baby was just with me a few days and I think she is a bit better now though she’s still struggling to her new environment. I promise I’ll try to tame her to the new atmosphere to get accustomed to human beings and many many other thing that I could introduce her.

Regarding how we call her, I love the name Judy as it’s what written on TukTuk remorque which transported both of us from the deep jungle out to the town and so, I just give her this name to memorize what we had been through. I also prefer your input to any potential name if you wish :

Last but not least, we also love to see your comment, like and a share. Subscribing worth us even more a million of love. Love you all guys!

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About the Author: Monkeys Jack


  1. ❤❤❤маленькая обьезьяночка прелесть, почему серце болит за неё, я бы её себе забрала❤❤❤❤

  2. Белобрысые макаки страшные , шерсть редкая, хозяйство всегда до пола, а какие пакостные, более мелких макашат обижают, издеваются над ними. Бедный котейка. За подгузник этого блохастого и в лес. Пусть там попытается укусить сородичей. Порвут как Тузик грелку.

  3. You people who are so harsh over this baby monkeyHe is just a baby who did not ask to be in this family. The cat is just a baby also . They need to both be taken care of, they are both being abused. So shame on you

  4. Animal abusers that baby was probably cut out of its mother's belly to provide a youtube income. Its cruel sat in a shitty disper all day till the skin on its rear end is burnt off. If you think they look after them out of the kindness in their hearts you must be thick or blind

  5. Наконец то этот макашенок Джек с красным пальцем на лапе хоть двигаться начал а не крючком лежать и палец свой доедать

  6. Mas gosta de traquinas 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂❤❤

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