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About the Author: TYT Sports


  1. What the hell is wrong with other countries not the USA? Granted our country has way too strict laws on a lot of crap but not on stuff like this. That guy having his 2nd offence of him pulling crap like that then using a gun while intoxicated he would spend the next 20 to 25 years in prison if he was lucky. Because every time he pulled the trigger he would be charged with reckless endangerment or attempted murder for every shoot. That's not even taking in to effect him being a professional fighter attacking anyone pro or not while intoxicated because his hands are seen under the same law as his gun is and again every swing he took in defense or offense would be reckless endangerment and assault with a deadly weapon with malice. Each of those carry more than 10 years minimum. He would be using a walker and wearing adult dippers when he got out of prison if he got out. Which he clearly should not be allowed out, and before anyone says it was the alcohol then if you have video of someone holding him down forcing him to drink then I apologize to him if not shut up.

  2. Ivanov was in the right on the first encounter. With the security guard, he was totally in the wrong from the get go. And the moment you gotta use a gun, you are a straight up pussy.

  3. Guns are for pussies. Also, Russian laws…selectively enforced. Boxer certainly needs to have seven years of the slav squat in a nice cold Russian prison with no seats to meditate on his poor life choices, but….Russia. Who knows.

  4. I hate when people try to intervene but only end up making it worse… the first guy had a chance.. until they caused him to get a sucker shot..
    He was getting his butt kicked by the security guard.. and see.. the person intervened and he ended up pulling out a weapon…

  5. You don't know how to judge people intent. The horrible people around are not trying to break up a fight but trying to make sure the two combatants are standing up. I've broken up fights plenty of times because I've seen a few where one guy was just pounding on the other and I just wrap my hands around the dude and walk them to a different area and every single time that will see another fight.

  6. Yeah 7 years is fucking laughable lol. Nice justice system they have in Russia (but that probably applies almost anywhere in the world now).

  7. The security guards are absolute unqualified idiots as well. The moment he was on the ground they should have put him in a headlock or a choke hold and wait until the police arrives. They looked absolutely clueless.

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