Check out this incredibly tense footage of an extremely dangerous construction site accident. Luckily this guy was not hurt, but it could have ended up pretty badly!
Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v3lzb3-accident-on-the-construction-site.html.
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They put the helmet on like they were ina firefight situation like in the military
Dolla dolla bill y’all
Holy shit he got rocked by that 2×4, doesn’t even matter how tall that building is, holyyyy shit I can’t believe he was even able to roll around after that
Sheet metal workers are the worst but glad they ok
Chin Strap ON !!!
The guy in the red hard hat he's already on his job he helps his buddy up, and throws some pieces in the dumpster
That’s what happens when you skip leg day boys.
this is not nearmiss anymore
Guys hard hat saved his life always wear your hard hats guys
Stay out of texas
Someone call osha
Get safety support over here
Quickest these guys have moved all year.
You could’ve prevented this if you were a roped off the area and have a spotter you would prevent that accident see if he’s number one lol 😂
Hallo..I'm fikry from shandhika widya cinema the trending program trans7. Want to ask for this account video and permission to play the trans7 trending program, and then we'll include a source/credit title with this account name, thank you
Flimsy thin fiberglass/plywood floats down and trips a man who starts wailing. President takes medal from veteran with 3 gunshot wounds and shrapnel who continued hand to hand combat for 2 more hours and gives it to this man. Veteran admits he has much to learn.
역시 남자라 상황 판단 능력이 빠르노 ㅋ 한녀였으면 오또케오또케 ㅇㅈㄹ하다 뒤질텐데 ㅋㅋㅋ
Its incredible where your body takes you when your instincts kick in, good reactions.
Looks like the other guy got hit on the head with a 2by4