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About the Author: Magical Poltergeist


  1. Whatever the case may be you play with the devil and he will play back with you. There is no way in hell I will still be in that house if I have to live under a bridge, so be it that’s why sometimes you think things are skits this could be a skit, y’allI don’t even know how old or recent this is but like I said, I have seem too many videos with these people living room so it’s time to go it’s been time to go! Why are they still posting videos? I’m a tell you why it’s for the likes it for the comments because in real life don’t play and you have kids I don’t care how poor you are you can be poor on the streets outside of that house Your children’s life your life is more important than that house get out. And if by chance, it’s because of the mail of the house it’s time to say bye-bye to him too.

  2. notice how the youngest kid dosnt panic at all and his mum thinks she's saving him ha ha 😂 kids are the only ones who really see what is then we are told to fear it ha ha God bless moral of the story dnt panic

  3. But by doing this gake stuff , your creating an opportunity for the real. I would not be doing this unless your prepared to go through withe real experience. It's just as bad as playing with an ojugi board. This message is not meant to be a joke

  4. Tht was not done by opening of the front door vacuum draft … Tht door slammed shut when tht front door was open for at least 10 seconds. Especially with tht much force..

  5. Way to go, mom. Traumatize the kids with the fake "paranormal" activity for likes and views. 😂 All of their videos are pretty much the same scenario. Good try tho.

  6. I'm no expert acting coach but I'm watching two children that are completely over rehearsed and bored with the original fake panic and run to the back room act they had practiced for the last 10 days. I mean come on, the little girl looking at the door waiting for it to slam and and the boy facing the door and saying "and bang" then the boy not jumping as the door slames a d nit rumning in fear line his older sister knows how to do it.

  7. As much as I would love to chalk it up with the wind doing it it wasn't the wind. If you notice the door doesn't slam the second she opens the door hence vacuumed sealed it slams really hard really fast when she's already had the door practically open. That's why I rewatch videos. Wasn't the wind. Plus if this is where most of the activity is why would you record anywhere else in the house? Don't sit there and lie to yourself that you don't move your house around when the old setup gets boring. Video is legit.

  8. With everything that goes on in this home they haven't tried to seek help from professionals. I'm starting to believe that these things that are happening in the house are setup. She sounded to calm when telling the kids to come on. Just my opinion.

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